A call to arms my fellow Patriots!
We all know it, we all feel it, we are tired but ready for action. The battle has been up and down, many have wanted to drop out, some have, many let others handle the hard work, but many are working long hours. Keep at it! Hear my words and take action Patriots, now is the time to step up and man the battle stations. We cannot afford to relax and let the victory slip away now the battle is so close that we can hear the enemy breathing. Our country’s future is tied to your hard work. Keep fighting, keep digging and the truth will be set free.
Take heart in the fact that Trump’s actions this past year are making Obama look like the amateur buffoon that he is. Trump makes Hillary look like someone that should bring him coffee and never should have been on the same stage. Only the most partisan, so blind to the truth, are still denying the obvious fact that Trump has been playing 3D chess this past year, executing his plan to perfection. We have not seen the likes of Donald J Trump in generations and we may not see a leader and patriot in our life time or our children’s lifetime. I know in my heart that our founding fathers would have been proud.
Trump is a huge believer in the book “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. Ever wonder why Trump looks so calm and composed? The Art of War says: “Orderly in the face of chaos, calm in the face of commotion, this is how one manages the heart”. Trump lives for this war and he has been planning it long before his election. One only has to watch his interviews with Larry King from 1999 discussing today’s corruption to see that he has been patiently waiting for his moment to strike the beast down. But why now? Why did Trump choose this time and not years ago? Again the Art of war says: “When the fire is at it’s pinnacle, if you see an opportunity, take it”. Could the fire from the Obama presidency the past 8 years been anymore intense? Surely Trump saw his country that gave him so much opportunity was burning down and surely he saw that a President Hillary Clinton would have meant the end to the US as we know it. He was forced to act.
But Trump did not want to just free the United States, he saw that the entire world was riddled with this insidious corruption and he saw that he not only had to free the US from the criminal cabal but to take it all down world wide. Mark these words. Every last treasonous enemy of the state will be put on trial and executed when found guilty. This will happen after a fair trial before their peers but they will be found guilty by the enormous amount of evidence that has been compiled against them. The punishment for treason is hanging by the neck until death. Some may say hanging is barbaric and inhumane. I say the crimes these heinous traitors have committed fit the punishment very well and I shall lose no sleep over implementing their punishment nor should any Patriot. If nothing else let their deaths serve as a stark reminder that those who scheme against the United States will face the same punishment. Patriots, this is not a game.