I know i rarely even post here but I do read along. I consider myself more of a CommunicationAnon because i try and spread Q to as many people as i can. I try to get peeps to swallow that red pill instead of being a damn sheep but something got me to thinking.
So i am sitting here thinking about the whole thing that happened today and it got me to thinking. Two thing might be happening with this. First off, maybe this is leading to something bigger like a set up for some key figures we all know. But this seems unlikely.
But second thing that grabbed me and it seems way more likely. How do we know this is not a while set up? First they tried to pull the whole hoax shit and it almost worked. But in the end it failed. They had a anti-lynching bill waiting for right after this hoax went down which was suspect in its owns rights. So they let the shit play out and let people get all pissed off at him for doing it himself effectively letting us true Americans whip ourselves into a frenzy. I mean who did not want to met this POS on the streets and kick the shit out of him? I know i did and would love to kick the shit out of him.
But today they drop all charges and release him. We all know the fucker did it but now what can we do? Maybe they are hoping someone goes and tries to find him and hurt him or kill him. Now they got their hate crime all wrapped up in a nice little basket. Hell maybe even a mass shooting happens where a MAGA person or QAnon peeps goes and shoots up a black church. Now they got their hate crime and a another mass shooting. And they can blame it on Trump and his supporters and say that we are all racists and the President supports hate.
Think about it hard core. I could be wrong and i hope i am but I think these bastards are up to something.