Keep your eyes on this anons
A false flag involving North Korea is going to happen(or is it? if you act fast enough), but it's more complicated then you think.
To start off, NK's defense and weapon industry has been selling/smuggling weapons out of NK without NK actually knowing about it. This means that for example Muslim groups could use NK weapons to do a terrorist attack in China or some other terrorist groups in Europe or the US could use those weapons in a terror attack. This is already bad enough, but it get worse.
The recently promoted anti-NK "coup group" is going to use NK weapons and do a false flag attack to frame NK for a terrorist attack or if you consider what they supposedly were involved in, an attack on a Embassy which would be an act of war. But don't worry, a double cross is going to happen to them.
The anti-NK "coup group" is going to all be killed off by those who are funding/supporting it to tie up a "loose end" after they have reason to go to war against North Korea. They were never going to be given power in what's left of NK after the war.
FF Plan:
To frame NK for an attack, to destroy diplomatic relations with NK and between NK and the countries it has relations with or has done arms sales to in the past, to declare war on NK, and to put a group/leader in power that they specially selected.
Also to get rid of the Anti-NK "coup group" who is just a liability.
Who do they answer to?
Which groups and countries fund the Anti-NK "coup group" and which countries and groups hate the countries NK has been selling/smuggling arms to?.
Which countries and groups gain from doing all of that to NK?
Which countries and groups gain the most from creating war on the Korean Peninsula?
Which countries have sanctions on NK or push for sanctions on NK?.
The false flag narrative would/could be "NK retaliates against the US by attacking an Embassy they have". The scripting is so obvious even a dummy could figure it out.
Spread the information ASAP and we can cockblock and collapse this jenga tower plan.
Need anon eyes and digs on things relating to the recent smuggling being busted, the coup groups, the NK link to NZ/AU and FVEY, the embassy, start writing/memeing - and posting everywhere as well as sending to all real alternative media outlets
Not sure. Land is a good bet.