Anonymous ID: 27c6d1 March 27, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.5920631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5919574 pb

>>5919526 pb

Every group has screwed up, the fact that whites created a society that now is in this predicament is telling. But the fist part of fixing any situation is admitting what is wrong with the situation.

It started when men agreed to the idea that they didn't need to clean up their house and would rather make loose morals acceptable for men and women more than they would want to learn to control themselves. Falling for the the tricks of Jews, Moslem, Atheist, or Christians is the result of a population that has become weak minded and addicted to one vice or another. Unfortunately for Jews, some the the tricks most closely associated with their social, philosophical, and religious structure are close to the roots of the west's current problems. The money system, a view of group superiority with diffrent rules for how you treat those inside and outside the group, and the narcissistic victim hood mentality are exclusively Jewish, they just are used most effectively by parts of the Jewish community. The west made a huge mistake in ceding the right to criticize the group when the antisemitism get out of jail free card was normalized.

So, you are self proclaimed patriotic Americans Jews. As such, there is a relatively high likelihood that you are smart resourceful people. Similarly, you should be able to put yourself in someone else mindset and empathize with the problem that confronts them. So the question is, if you were a Goy, how would you address the foundational issues within Western society that have strong roots in the Jewish way of being.

Finally, since one of you is threatening a violent retribution for those who like to point out Jewish complicity in our predicament, you might want to rethink that. Jews are good at many things, but dominance in the physical struggle is not one of them. As a group you have been bested more times that not. Sticking with social engineering is a much safer place for you. And for those of us who care about the social structure working for as many people as possible, we would appreciate your working with us instead of trying to dominate us.