Anonymous ID: 4ffac4 March 27, 2019, 6:25 a.m. No.5920248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Deep State, which has infected both Dems and Repubs, is nothing more than vile Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life. George Bailey was offered his heart's desire: a three year contract; a great salary; travel to places he'd always dreamed of going. It was only through great strength of character that George Bailey saw through the spider's web of deceit and rejected it.


Most Rs and Ds in Congress, most of the Media, most of the print commentators (Beast, Wire, Buzzfeed, Huff, National Review), basically everyone who is attacking Trump from left or right (including Coulter), is a Potter Henchman and has taken the deal.


Just remember that Trump has not. Don't apologize for supporting him. Trump is George Bailey on Steroids. He wants us to follow. Stop being pussies and follow his lead.