What do you think of the ACTING JOB of Rahm Emanuel?
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel FURIOUS After Charges Dropped Against Smollett…
Yep,,,He gets a OSCAR!!!!
What do you think of the ACTING JOB of Rahm Emanuel?
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel FURIOUS After Charges Dropped Against Smollett…
Yep,,,He gets a OSCAR!!!!
Forgot the original pic..my bad…repost!!
What do you think of the ACTING JOB of Rahm Emanuel?
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel FURIOUS After Charges Dropped Against Smollett…
Yep,,,He gets a OSCAR!!!!
See if this makes any sense!!
Normal people don't kill people!
Guns don't kill people!
Bullets kill people!
I can kill you faster with a pencil than you can kill me with a unloaded gun without bullets!!
Should we ban all pencils!!!
I think the President should start the booms before they try Impeachment gets some wind…
this way it will look like revenge on the Dems side..instead of visa versa if they started first and it would look like the President is doing all these booms because of impeachment…sorry,,,my thoughts ran away from me..hopefully you understand what i mean…
Sorry, I had new sauce but when I went back to Twitter the page is was on refreshed.
I lost it…oh well..
As they say in Vegas: "That's the way it goes…first your money ..then your clothes"…hahaha.