I'm starting to get the feeling that Avenatti is on our side. Maybe this whole thing was to take down Greganos who is incredibly corrupt, and also take down the head of Nike as well. Two bad birds with one obnoxious stone, Avenatti. I feel like DJT, JR., Stormi are playing a game to keep everyone from figuring it out. Maybe not only to take Greganos out, but also so he to ensure that can not sully the NXIVM trial. Also, the obvious, since he is the attorney of the "stars", exposing him will expose tons of them. Anyway, that is my opinion
why not go be with your people then.
why waste you time here?
why sully yourself with people who you disagree with?
you are a stupid shill who thinks no one is on to him.
you are desperate. you are all going down baby. down