Oh nice were all 3000 years old apparantly
Someone send daniel back to the shadow realm
Aka reddit
Oh nice were all 3000 years old apparantly
Someone send daniel back to the shadow realm
Aka reddit
This nigger thinks we hate the jews
And dont post about jews because its funny
I still hate the elite jews tho
The moths swarm no matter what
They really like negative energy
You better be careful
Q might throw you to the wolves
Such a christian anons
Uses people as bait against their will
There are literal traps who didnt take hormone therapy that are hotter than michelle
Thats just the lie the archons tell you
Then you consent to their mind games and torture
Dont believe their lives
I wish you luck thinking for yourself when they swarm you faggot
I dont associate with satanist jews
So i dont ever plan on meeting the kikeotus or any of his demon family
If i did i would spit on them
Im not even fully white and i can see that this country would be 10x better off if we didnt mass import minorties
Particularly from,south america
Q is a satanic jew
Q is a satanic jew
Q is a satanic jew
"God" claims to say we have free will then punishes us if we dont do what he wants
What kind of bullshit is that
Its just the cia
I know hes the cia cuz when the cia niggers would fuck with me he would post weird shit that related to what they were doing
Fuck you daniel
And fuck Q while were at it
And humanity
And trump
Remember anons
The public doesnt deserve our help
If you have a special talent or a cure for cancer
Anything,like that
Destroy it
Lul nice id
If this is what winning feels like can we go back to 2011
Shit was better under the nigger cuz the liberals would shut up
And the conservatives actually fought back
Unlike now where they suck off anything trump does