Anonymous ID: 942cb2 March 27, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.5923236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3253

Trump: Russian Troops Have to ‘Get Out’ of Venezuela


President Donald Trump called on Russia on March 27, to pull its troops out of Venezuela following reports that two Russian military planes touched down in Caracas over the weekend with about 100 soldiers. “Russia has to get out,” Trump told reporters in the White House’s Oval Office. There, he was meeting with Fabiana Rosales, the wife of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó. “All options” are on the table if Russia doesn’t move the military forces, he said, Reuters reported. When asked how the United States will force Russia out of the socialist Latin American country, Trump replied, “We’ll see.”


Rosales met with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, and they expressed their support for Guaidó, who invoked the Venezuelan constitution to assume the interim presidency in January. About 50 countries, including the United States and most of South America, support him. China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, and Cuba have declared their support for socialist President Nicolas Maduro. Guaidó has said Maduro’s regime is not legitimate.


“The United States views Russia’s arrival of military planes this weekend as an unwelcome provocation,” Pence told reporters on March 27. “We call on Russia today to cease all support of the Maduro regime and stand with Juan Guaidó and stand with nations across this hemisphere and across the world until freedom is restored,” Pence continued. Venezuela has recently bit hit by power outages, food shortages, rioting, and looting amid the country’s constitutional crisis.


Two Planes Land Reports on March 24 said that an Ilyushin IL-62 passenger jet and an Antonov AN-124 military plane arrived at the airport in Caracas. A local journalist tweeted photos of the planes. Both Russian and Venezuelan officials have not issued any statements about two Russian planes. According to The Guardian, the Russian officials are there to discuss equipment maintenance, training, strategy. An unnamed Russian official was quoted as saying that there was “nothing mysterious” about the visit. “It would be wrong to suggest this is some kind of major deployment,” another person said.


The move was blasted by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “The Secretary told Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov that the United States and regional countries will not stand idly by as Russia exacerbates tensions in Venezuela. The continued insertion of Russian military personnel to support the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela risks prolonging the suffering of the Venezuelan people who overwhelmingly support interim President Juan Guaidó,” according to a statement from the State Department on March 25. Pompeo called on the Kremlin to cease its “unconstructive behavior and join other nations, including the overwhelming majority of countries in the Western Hemisphere, who seek a better future for the Venezuelan people.” Months ago, Russia sent strategic, nuclear-capable bombers to Venezuela.


Maduro Under Pressure? Maduro over the weekend stated there would be a shake-up in his government after months of turmoil. “I will in the coming hours announce new government methods and a profound change in the entire government of Venezuela,” Maduro said in a speech broadcast via state TV, according to Bloomberg News. “We need to renew ourselves, refresh, improve, change,” she said, without detailing how. Amid the calls for a new direction, Maduro also called on his supporters to mobilize and arm themselves to defend his socialist regime. Meanwhile, the U.S. sanctions, he added, won’t force him to “surrender,” according to the news outlet.

Anonymous ID: 942cb2 March 27, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.5923344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bob Dole Promoted to Army Colonel at 95


WASHINGTON, Kan. — Former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas has been promoted from captain to colonel for his service in the Army during World War II. The Wichita Eagle reports both chambers of the U.S. Congress have unanimously passed a bill promoting the 95-year-old Dole.


He earned two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars for valor for his service in the war. Dole was an infantry lieutenant in 1945 when he was wounded by German machine gun fire, which left him with limited use of his right arm. Dole represented Kansas in the U.S. House and Senate for a total of 35 years and ran unsuccessfully for president in 1996. The legislation to honor Dole was promoted by the entire Kansas delegation.

Anonymous ID: 942cb2 March 27, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.5923533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3688

Google announces AI ethics panel


Google has launched a global advisory council to offer guidance on ethical issues relating to artificial intelligence, automation and related technologies. The panel consists of eight people and includes former US deputy secretary of state, and a University of Bath associate professor. The group will "consider some of Google's most complex challenges”, the firm said. The panel was announced at MIT Technology Review's EmTech Digital, a conference organised the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Google has come under intense criticism - internally and externally - over how it plans to use emerging technologies. In June 2018 the company said it would not renew a contract it had with the Pentagon to develop AI technology to control drones. Project Maven, as it was known, was unpopular among Google’s staff, and prompted some resignations. In response, Google published a set of AI “principles” it said it would abide by. They included pledges to be "socially beneficial' and "accountable to people".


The Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC) will meet for the first time in April. In a blog post, Google’s head of global affairs, Kent Walker, said there would be three further meetings in 2019. Google has published a full list of the panel’s members. It includes leading mathematician Bubacarr Bah, former US deputy secretary of state William Joseph Burns, and Joanna Bryson, who teaches computer sciences at the University of Bath, UK. It will discuss recommendations about how to use technologies such as facial recognition. Last year, Google’s then-head of cloud computing, Diane Greene, described facial recognition tech as having "inherent bias” due to a lack of diverse data.


In a highly-cited thesis entitled Robots Should Be Slaves, Ms Bryson argued against the trend of treating robots like people. "In humanising them," she wrote, "we not only further dehumanise real people, but also encourage poor human decision making in the allocation of resources and responsibility." In 2018 she argued that complexity should not be used as an excuse to not properly inform the public of how AI systems operate. "When a system using AI causes damage, we need to know we can hold the human beings behind that system to account."


AI at Google: our principles


An external advisory council to help advance the responsible development of AI

Anonymous ID: 942cb2 March 27, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5923699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3714

Rep. Sean Duffy Calls Out CNN’s Chris Cuomo For Media Bias On Russia Collusion


Rep. Sean Duffy called out CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night for his network’s role in promoting the Russian collusion conspiracy theory. Duffy noted that special counsel Robert Mueller spent two years investigating alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and did not charge a single person for colluding. Duffy called the results “great news” for President Donald Trump and added that “it’s time to celebrate.”


The Wisconsin Republican turned his sights on the media, telling Cuomo, “We spent two years speculating.” “What I think you want to know is, who duped us?” Duffy said. “You’ve been talking about this for over two years. You should say, who actually set this up?” “You guys are supposed to figure that out,” Cuomo claimed.


“What you guys did is you reported on it,” Duffy countered. “You took all these salacious reports, you know, of all of this scandal and for two years. And you’ve gotta say, analyze how we get our information … I look at the American people and they go, ‘Do I trust the media? Do I trust the Democrats who have been pounding this story that’s absolutely false?'”


Cuomo blamed the president for Duffy’s perception of the media, citing Trump’s constant criticism of the press. “If the media was doing its job they would be far more skeptical,” Duffy said. “You’re the reporters and you have a job to make sure you’re putting out the right facts. You put out the wrong facts.” “What wrong facts did we put out?” Cuomo asked. CNN published several false stories related to Russian collusion over the past two years, including their debunked claim that Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation for alleged ties to Russia. Three CNN journalists resigned over the story.

Anonymous ID: 942cb2 March 27, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.5923850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856 >>3868

Now, YOU are the News


If the Russia collusion hoax taught us one thing, it’s this: journalism is dead in this country. I’m talking about the mainstream corporate media. You know, like the once-revered New York Times, which was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for its ‘reporting’ Russian Collusion. It was nothing but Hillary’s ‘insurance policy.’ She started the lie to bring down Trump and the Times faithfully helped her. Don’t expect them to give back their prize. They still haven’t given back the Pulitzer won by their reporter, Walter Duranty, who wrote glowing reports about Stalin’s Soviet Union. All lies, but socialism is always good in such circles.


Here in America, the socialist-leaning media no longer reports facts. Instead they relay and endlessly repeat the lies given to them by the Deep State and Hillary Clinton. When Obama was in charge, the media was on his side. They now claim Obama’s administration was ’scandal free,’ a blatant lie. Obama’s reign resulted in a long string of scandals and law breaking, but he got support from the corporate media who buried or under-investigated his negative events at every turn. We’ve long known that those on the left dominate journalism, but at least they occasionally maintained the façade of objectivity and fairness. Not any more. Trump exposed them for what they really are: partisan hacks and liars.


Some opinion makers such as comedian Bill Maher swallowed the Russia collusion Kool Aid so deeply that he now refuses to accept Mueller’s findings. Militantly ignorant, he remains convinced–without any evidence–that President Trump is a traitor. Rachel Maddow spent countless episodes banging the Russia drum. Keith Olbermann, the leader of the “resistance,” sounded like an insane man in one of his segments. He claimed we are no longer a free people, but instead we are ‘ruled by Russia.’ There are some reasonable progressives out there. Jimmy Dore has long realized the Russia collusion accusation was bunk, but unfortunately most on the left climbed aboard the reverse-McCarthyism witch hunt train. They all look like total fools now.


It’s now time to go after those who broke the law to illegally spy and dig dirt up on Trump. Hillary needs to be locked up. There must be consequences so this never happens again to future Presidents. I expect the fake news media to ignore, excuse, or cover up for Hillary and the Deep State crooks. We must hold them accountable.