Lynchings in the Street may now be illegal, but that has NOTHING TO DO WITH,
and is FAR removed from being hanged
for a qualifying crime by a Military Tribunal.
These people are so stupid.
Lynchings in the Street may now be illegal, but that has NOTHING TO DO WITH,
and is FAR removed from being hanged
for a qualifying crime by a Military Tribunal.
These people are so stupid.
Historically, I've only been minimally clairvoyant but as I read this I can see MANY Clinton (&wannabees) racing to the nearest bathroom before they pull a C Schumer and Shiff their pants!
>And you anons wouldn't believe me if i told you the shit that has happened to,me since i had to misfortune of finding this board
>"Safe" but scary message my ass
OK, anon. You have my attention, please continue.