If you value your informed consent rights and adherence to the Nuremburg Code, please educate yourself on vaccines. Dr. Richard Pan of California wants to remove your right to refuse vaccines, ENTIRELY. He, along with folks like Adam Schiff, believe that as politicians, paid by pharmaceutical companies, they know what should be injected into your body and your child's body, irrespective of what you or your doctor think. Time to end MEDICAL TYRANNY.
I think a lot about the bunkers and caves. It reminds me of the place in the book of Revelation where those who received "the mark" cowered in caves wanting them to fall on them. Rev 6:15-16 There will be no escape.
So, no need to get violent with actual humans (I know it's just a meme, anyway), but I have the idea of taking some cabal statuary and using it like clay pigeons. Wouldn't it be fun? Plus dissolve the "Georgia Guidestones".