POTUS, remember our multihandicapped and Deaf citizens. Stop taking away the tax money meant for them and giving it to Illegals and Anchor babies…especially in California. Support our most vulnerable people.
Seconded heartily
POTUS is so easy to listen to, and to talk to.
Love, love, love our Great President.
What a grasp he has on ALL issues.
Thank you, God, for the Blessing that is him.
Hannity, ask POTUS about RBG pleeeeeeeeze
Thank you for donating your salary every quarter, and for sacrificing millions of your own money for this job of saving our Republic.
Let all the Truth roll out, regardless of the consequences, Mr. President.
Kick out ALL ALL ALL Illegals AND their Anchor babies TODAY.
Tax money is for Americans only.
Stay away from doorknobs, Jessie.