Open the bread.
Catch up.
Find new bread.
Catch up moar.
Find new bread.
Thank you bakers.
Stuttermaster extraordinaire.
I kind of thought he was dead. Hadn't heard from him for a long time.
Oooh look! Chasing moar dates that might come through but we won't know for two years.
Fine where I land, here. Let it be.
1.43 MB as posted.
1.2 MB as downloaded.
Could've managed the image in fewer than 10kb. (Second image has important information.)
Plus there are those black bars top and bottom that are wholly unnecessary.
Anon has self-esteem issues for a dozen reasons. One includes failing on the steganography.
We have more than we know. We just don't know how to get to it.
Lindsey /ourguythisweek/ coming up.
Reminds me: As of today I am one separation away from a guy towards the top of the asteroid redirect mission.
Damn anon. Just damn.
Fucking wish book. (((They've))) manipulated us for a very long time.
I can totally apply to be Bruce Willis on the next mission. Kids reared. Bored AF.
He's likely shit in his hat.
If he's truly in NZ now as anon stated earlier, he's running. No need to let him back into the country.
But how is it compressed? Zip? Need moare.
Manana y'all.
I'll pray for the anon who figures out the stego. Maybe it's me, but I doubt it this far into the game.
Oldfag limitations.
And by definition, sedition does not equal treason.