Personally, I am not exactly against the Monarchy, because I like the idea of having a non-partisan, apolitical head of state. The delegation of Royal Prerogative to the Houses of Parliament has worked for 400 years. Ironically it is only since Tony Bliar got his mitts on our constitution, made worse by the deep state actor in Oliver Letwin, that things have gone wrong.
Likewise, they should be accountable for the actions. Indeed, Magna Carta makes provision for this, prince or pauper you are equal under the law before God. Bastardised by the LibLabCon and the EU.
Interesting Q proof in the Express with Charles wanting to distance himself from Andrew…
Fundamentally; Whatever system is in place is irrelevant, be it democracy or monarchy. AT the end of the day, slimy, sleazy, bastards will always be corrupted by power and the lure of it. Deuteronomy 17 highlights this. This where our respective constitutions have developed over the course of the English Enlightenment. British or American. Checks and balances, separation of powers, each institution having the ability to hold each other to account.
We are where we are, because unscrupulous criminals like Tony Blair have bastardised our constitution.