Surely Hell Hath Frozen Over?
It’s gonna be unsealed! Weird times when David Axelrod sounds all law and order. This has to be huge. Big Mike is gonna be up to her giant shoulders in this by sundown.
Update: Whether due to pressure from the entire world or simply deciding that her office's position would act judicially, State's Attorney Kim Foxx told ABC during an interview this evening that her "office did not ask that the court file be sealed, says it was done inadvertently and she believes it is in the process of being unsealed"
BREAKING: State’s Atrorney Kim Foxx says her office did not ask that the court file be sealed, says it was done inadvertently and she believes it is in the process of being unsealed @ABC7Chicago
— Craig Wall ABC 7 (@craigrwall) March 27, 2019
The outpouring of anger, disbelief, and frustration over Jussie Smollett's release debacle has brought many sides of the political spectrum together in questioning just WTF happened and how does a 16-count felony indictment get resolved with the lightest of wrist slaps? Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel fumed:
FULL INTERVIEW: @ChicagosMayor speaks with our @GStephanopoulos about the investigation regarding “Empire” star Jussie Smollett.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) March 27, 2019
With all eyes focused on State's Attorney Kim Foxx:
1/ Cook County @SAKimFoxx must show us several other cases from her office in which 16 felony charges were dropped post indictment on non-celebrity defendants as she did for #JussieSmollett
If she cannot, there must be an investigation into her misconduct.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) March 27, 2019
Chicago police are dumbfounded and furious…
WATCH: @SandraSmithFox spoke with Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham as Chicago prosecutors face backlash for dropping all charges against Jussie Smollett #nine2noon
— America's Newsroom (@AmericaNewsroom) March 27, 2019
And even David Axelrod took to Twitter to express his disgust: "Unless some better explanation surfaces, here’s the lesson of this weird turn in the Smollett case: You can contrive a hate crime, make it a national news, get caught and-if you are a well-connected celebrity-get off for $10K and have your record expunged and files sealed."
Hate crimes are loathsome. Faking them is insidious and shouldn’t be excused. Despite Smollett’s denials, nothing the prosecutor said in dismissing the case supports that. If prosecutors have evidence that contradicts the indictment THEY brought, they should share it today.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) March 26, 2019
"The fact that (Smollett) feels that we have exonerated him, we have not. I can’t make it any clearer than that." So says the lead prosecutor in Smollett case. So why allow Smollett to get off for $10K and have his records expunged and case files sealed?
More at the jump: