You hang out in the wrong Discord server. The one I'm in has 3 bakers 1 who has since stopped due to IRL shit. They absolutely do NOT hang out with the Pamphlet or Paytriots nor do any others in the Discord that I am in. There are 4 or 5 other discords that I visit that also have the same feelings about Pam and his band of merry Paytriots. They shun him and the rest. Discord servers are a nice place to research without the noise on here. Also you can get help without the wise ass remarks and shit you put up with here. Don't get me wrong I give as well as I take but if I want some quiet time and maybe to chat with someone share opinions on a dig. Discords are a great place to kick back for awhile.
You download the app join a server and they have this button.on your mouse. You hover over the discord icon and left click it. If you have decent internet service the app will open in a couple of seconds. I do most research off 8 chan and away from the distractionand noise. I have a group of people who all work together to dig deep. In the group we have a lot of different talents no famefagging and often times we post a group effort to the boards. We have dozens of (you)'s and 3 reposts by Q himself generated by the efforts of the group. I was here from the beginning and am still here everyday, but I have a life off 8chan. Real friends some of whom are also here some who follow but fear coming here. But it's all good and the research is always thorough complete and well sauced before we post.