>>5940567 lb
Not exactly great stuff but someone took the time to put this out there on the webs….
THIS JUST IN: Schiff met with Fusion GPS co-founder last July.
The timing of Schiff’s meeting is interesting.
Now, this is hush-hush…..but salacious dossiers are a sideline.
Fusion GPS is a front group.
Treating Democraps’ sexual impairment is their real business…..problems that keep Dems from enjoying the full perks of their elected office.
Available are treatments for erectile dysfunction and missing or deflated gonads.
Fusion also arranges hook-ups between Russian models, actresses
and Russian Olympic-class weight-lifters…depending which way a Democrat swings.
Fusion treatments are very successful…..when Schiff got back to his office, he suddenly discovered he had b****.
Vlad Models…