4:42- Maria: "The FBI started investigating Donald Trump in 2015, right?"
5:35-6:00- Maria makes one of the most insightful questions/statements of all time regarding DS actions/actors…here's why
A breach of DNC information is spun by the D's/HRC's political operatives (Podesta, et al) in order to deflect attention from the corruption of the DNC and at the same time attack the political powerhouse that is Trump/MAGA. That's just great politics right? That's just finding the opportunity in crisis right? That narrative never gets off the ground because the the D's/HRC choose to spin the DNC data breach against Trump/MAGA via claims of Russian collaboration, an accusation "out of nowhere" which just so happens to be in lock-step with ongoing DS plans put in place by C_A, DOJ, FBI regarding Russian collaboration.
This means there must be a record of the communication that coordinated the DNC/HRC campaigns narrative of a Russian hack with that of the intel orgs/DS cabal developing Trump/MAGA -Russia frame-up. Additionally, there must be a record of the communication between intel orgs/DS<>DNC/HRC<>Fake News Media in order to organize Russian/Trump hack of DNC talking points, play down complaints of Sanders' supporters, fail to report on the untimely death of SR.
SR was a loose end tied up by intel org/DS assets upon coordination with DNC/HRC so that the Russia/Trump hack of DNC email would be airtight and the Fake News media blasting of the narrative would not be challenged by anything other than crazy conspiracy theories that seem like they were lifted out of the life of Mitch Rapp