>>5941624 lb
>The universe will not judge everyone behind Q well.
Completely agree.
It's very obvious that something isn't right with this whole Q op.
Anons willing to take a step back and look at the entire 17 month mess that Q has posted can see it plain as day.
Many of us saw it a year ago. It's much more obvious now .. even as the sheep in here think the "proofs" are more numerous.
Hint: the more Q has to use "proofs" of his authenticity, the more nervous he becomes that he will be outed for what he really is.
If Q were truly who he claims to be, he wouldn't need point to "proofs", especially with increasing frequency.
Also, why has anyone in the msm asked Sarah Sanders or Trump about Q again? Because tehy are afraid that Sarah and/or Trump will tell them the truth .. again, and that will end this Q operation for good.
The msm could ask the "ultimate question" and end this Q op today.
Why would the msm not want this Q op to end?
Logical thinking … indeed.