Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.5945535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5547

"Forgive and forget". Who does that philosophy serve? Trick question, it harms all (except the Cabal). If the aggrieved forgets they open themselves up to further abuse; if the perpetrator forgets they repeat the bad behavior. Forgiveness from outside of self doesn't mean anything. If a wrong is remembered(as it should be, to learn from the experience) no amount of outside forgiveness will soothe the soul. If one forgives the self, no amount of outside condemnation will impact the sense of self. Lacking internal forgiveness a wrong doer, looking for soul soothing, has only one option; denial of the act. Disassociate. That's where serious psych problems arise. Morphing into a pattern of increasingly terrible wrongs.


"Forgive and forget" is a bit of pretty philosophical fluff, with a kick of evil, masquerading as "goodness". Holding people to account serves all. Enforcing the remembrance, until internal forgiveness can be achieved, saves the wrong doer. Pushing the Cabal BS of "forgive and forget" locks into place an endless cycle of wrong doing and wrong suffering with only the ILLUSION of "right/good". This can be the fulcrum upon which people place the lever of knowledge; pry us all away from millennia of Cabal brainwashing.


The fully borderline personality is a literal psychological weapon. One that, once launched, will manufacture more of the same across generations. Conveniently wrapped in a package, that, to human senses, appears like any other human. But on a fundamental level, they do not operate as fully human. Act as though truly hollow. Cognitive zombies; in advanced cases, lacking most functions of the subconscious. Open to agency not their own. Can be driven to, and able to, commit any number of horrors.


The borderline personality is how the Cabal functions in human society. As predators. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Stabbin ya in the back and crying out that YOU'VE injured them by the noticing (gaslighting). Where's one seen that meme? kek. Fuckin smokescreens…anyone that qualifies as an NPC is likely one of these weapons. Manufactured, aimed, and released into the human population for the purpose of … the effect is apparent.


Pulling these weapons out of the hands of EVIL is not easy. It requires a re-opening of their self. An internal valuation of that self. The projections, that they hide their fear behind, must be dissolved to release the parts of their real self trapped within them. Reality is the cure. Uncompromising Love is the cure.


Are there one or more of these people in your life? Are they close? Family? What would you sacrifice to, literally, save them from a nightmare? What would you DO? Don't ask what Jesus would do. You. Encourage them to own the wrong they've done. Be patient, but uncompromising, in your Love. Sacrifice for Love, or move on? Save a loved one, or watch them damn themselves…


"If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. if they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector." Matthew18:15-17


Do the Right thing for them. Make sure they do the Right thing for themselves.

Q has told the church, Humanity. Has given us all fair warning.





Be Worthy




Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.5945579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An intellectual/spiritual exercise; imagine the passage about the bright early morning star. Put on your armor of god, secure in the faith that truth will win out.


If you have not boned up on electric universe and the catastrophe hypothesis I suggest it. Imagine walking out your back door and looking up at the sky. Hold that image. Now fill the world with an omnidirectional low red glow, with the sun large in the sky. Filling the world with high ultraviolet light, like a million black lights. Because of the stable molecular cloud inside of the star's plasma sheath, a consistent periodic misting, never "raining" but very healthy precipitation. (redwoods get ~35-40% of moisture from sea breeze dew collection.) The sky would appear, of course a dark-deep red, with clouds that would run pretty high up, much more stable atmosphere. A visible shimmer from the far underside of the plasma sheath; above and below the earth.


For millions of years the planetary process was one of heating and cooling. 400k year cycles. 20k year period of great warmth, like now (during close approach to what is now our sun), then back into iceage to one degree or another. As the world filled with ice, populations would just move to lower elevations. As more ice came, sea levels fell, opening up more land lower. Following it's ebb and flow like a tide. Humanity included this last go round. Then, one morning, a bright star in the sky. The only star in the sky other than the sun. We're inside a dense outer plasma sheath, can't really see out. But. Closer and brighter that star got. That one star. Bright star. At the beginning, the morning, of a new age. The closer and brighter that morning star got, over thousands of years, the warmer it got. The more upslope land became available. Spring time on earth. A literal garden of Eden. With a red sky, and a black light sun. Growing; bright early morning star.


Now continue. What happens when 2 plasma bodies intersect? They discharge to equilibrium. Our suns plasma sheath would have just melted away in a moment. Then the world would have been filled with, for the first time ever, a clean, bright, yellow-white light. Followed by a slow motion disaster, a true catastrophe, over the next several thousand years. All recorded by our ancestors. Passed down to us. To remember. Because it's important. On a human scale of time, a long time has passed, 12k years.


Imagine stepping out of human perspective. The earth was a hothouse environment for growing life. For a vast amount of time. And humanity emerged from that process. One could think humanity was the purpose. But. Have to grow up now. So. We were given a wider perspective, in a mature solar system. See the universe. More chaos, to make humanity stretch and grow. And a universal msg; do these things, don’t do those things. Cause said so. A father talking to young children. Not much knowledge or wisdom yet in the people. but, misuse of knowledge. for wrong. anti-wisdom. reset with a pass through Saturn’s newly forming rings. ~800-1000 feet of water poured over the whole planet. filled the oceans right up to the brim. covered the vast majority of human civilization. want to find the ancient ruins of what was before? look on those ancient underwater coast lines.


Imagine being Noah and fam. Starting all over again. That story is told around the world in one version or another. Then. After a time, a Teacher comes. A loving, patient, uncompromising Teacher. There were a series of them throughout the world. Teaching not the dos and nots, but the how. How to decide to do or not. Teaching as a father, to an adolescent. How to choose Right. Humanity had achieved a certain level of knowledge about things, and needed to be taught some wise application. Those wise teachers, and particularly Jesus to western civilization, were trying to get humanity ready for right now. To know HOW to do what is Right.


We've got the whatss and nots. We've got the how to's. What were those getting us ready for? wouldn't it be nice if we achieve such a state of open-mindedness that we can start to lower that 99% some? Wouldn't it be nice if you could one day tell the story of how YOU didn't lose your noodle when the Truth showed up? Grown ups get to find out WHY it's so important to be good? Wouldn't that be something. Might be time to limber up the mind.


All this one can say is this takes the available data, and looks at it from another perspective. an interpretation that differs from the one the Cabal approves of. Lots of very smart, very good people are striving to confirm all the science being posed. And these folks are doing it on a shoestring budget; getting it done. I'd bet my house, the whole farm, kit, cat and caboodle, that if this isn't it, it's close enough to just fall on. Imagine.

Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, noon No.5945612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

ok. lets see if one can swing this. Belief v Knowing. With a focus on open-mindedness.


Humanity has to grow up. Turn away from the childish things. Face into this challenge. The Awakening needs to AWAKEN. Do you do things because you believe them to be true, or because you know them to be true? If you don't know the distinction, ya better figure it out. "Belief can be manipulated, only knowledge is dangerous."


Keeping an open mind. On everything. No absolutes. 90% certainty 90% doubt and everything in between. What's a 90? Existence. Lots of "objective" evidence showing reality exists (but open minded about it). The other direction is muh flat earth, muh doubt (but shit, who knows, whadda movie).


What about Most High? Interdasting question, that. Let's examine it. Some great span of time ago, our current sun did it's periodic micro-nova and birthed gas giant sized amounts of matter into nearby interstellar space. Those formed into Red Dwarf stars (most numerous object in the sky). These small stars then underwent their own overcharge state, also ejecting matter. Not gaseous matter, much, but rocky-metal bodies. Earth, Mars, recently Venus. At some point in that distant past the earth extruded the moon. The fake scientists can't make bodies larger than grains of sand in their intentionally deceptive gravity driven model. So. That means that the Earth took a significant overcharge state, directly. Turned the planet into a giant ball of plasmafied matter and squeezed out the moon. To later cool and yay, life.


Red Dwarf stars as the incubators of life. Saturn, from which Earth formed. Life developed. Humanity arose. And then.


It's as though there's a variable missing. Within current paradigm can't see it. There appears to be an element of choice in how the overcharged state is dealt with. Spit out a planetary mass, or direct that charge directly to one already there. If there is a decision being made on something like that, here. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the same would be true for other places as well? Local stellar group? Galactic arm? Intergalactically? Or. Also. Spinning downward in scale. This electric force that pervades the universe. This potential for work. The caring and attention of Most High? Wut? Yup. Double slit-observation-test. Would argue that it's not the act of observation that alters the behavior…rather the caring and attention focused on the observation. Our mind, or an extension of our mind, affecting reality. We're small. But an affect. What kind of zing would be carried along by something the size of the universe?


Most High?


Now, getting Humanity ready to be grown ups. Getting Humanity to STAND and do the RIGHT thing. To follow the lessons of the teachers that have come in our past. So Humanity can carry, responsibly, the Knowing. Show we have the wisdom. Show that we have the discipline. Show we can do the work.


Show that we can be GOOD. Point of fact, don't go by the Cabal version of "good"; trap. Listen to the teachers. Listen to your heart. Listen to Love. Be open. Truth will win out.


Q says muh 99%. Q says to SHINE the LIGHT of TRUTH. To do that you need to SHINE. All around you. Stand as a BEACON of TRUTH. Accept nothing less. If everyone does the Right thing, it goes to 0%.


What do you do?

Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.5945662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5726

Humanity, if left alone, just wants to live how they'd like, and raise a family to rinse and repeat to infinity. Flowing into the future. A stream of Humanity. At some point in our ancient history Evil stepped up to that Stream. Like a grizzly to a river during the salmon run. And IT's just been plucking us off at leisure. At an ever increasing rate. Insatiable. Won't stop til we're all wearing chains in cages.

Q has given Humanity fair warning of this Evil. Evil is weak. Destructive. Manipulative. Lying. IT can be defeated. By Humanity. United. This Evil can ONLY be defeated by all good people coming together as one to face this truly existential threat. It's world wide and pervasive. Examine ones life. see what can be done to make it better. think about what is "known/believed" and reexamine them with new data. make a new decision.


Q has told Humanity that we misunderstand reality; muh 99%. Q has told us that accepting reality is going to be a serious transition. Q has told us that the seed of that Truth is already planted in Humanity. It's always been there. Birthing an understanding of this "new" Truth within our minds is going to require a lot of mental, emotional, spiritual flexibility. Perhaps it's time to limber up the mind. Look at the knowledge and belief you hold; question it. Look at the habits you have; question them. Why do you do them? How do they benefit you or others? What would happen if you changed… or stayed the same.


There are going to be three sides that people shake out into; evil, good and a mad mass, in the middle ground, unable to commit and having to needlessly suffer until they do. You want to give in to darkness, ignorance, confusion and pain; good luck, you'll need it. You want to give in to light, enlightenment, certitude and joy; more the merrier. Good wins.

God have mercy on those in the middle. Don't think you'll be there? Fair 'nuff. Ask yourself, "do I lie, cheat or steal in some way"? Just in little ways? No ones expecting perfection; honest attempts. If you do lie, cheat, steal…you're in that group in the middle. Bad news. Buck up, though; it's a choice. We all have to make it every day. All day long. You can't be a little pregnant, you can't be a little bad. "You are what you do, when it matters". evil is as evil does.


God started off telling everyone what not to do; humanity as children. Then. Teachers came. Taught how to choose Good. Humanity as adolescents. The Q structure is trying to Awaken Humanity to be ready, to hear the why…and deal with it wisely; Humanity as adults. Are you a child? An adolescent? Or are you willing to do the work required to be an enlightened adult. And everything that that may mean within the new paradigm…

Truth is Golden; Black and White.


What do you do?

Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.5945722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"He is the bright morning star" –


Star light, star bright,

The first star I see tonight;

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight.


An image that has survived within human consciousness for ~20k years… Pre-reintegration of Saturn into the Sol system, closing approach; sun appears as a bright spot through the plasma sheath…1st star in teh sky - ever. For thousands of years, our ancestors would have seen that "morning star” coming closer-brighter. Then the touching of the plasma sheathes Saturn/Sol and pop-bright white light fills the world. Then chaos- slow motion catastrophe over the next several thousand years.

Finally achieving some kind of stability ~4-5k years ago.


People need to read the bible the way they'd read anything else. With criticality. Who does it benefit if humanity follows this lesson or that. What does it cost? Who pays the cost? Does it help to teach humanity to be more free to do good? Or does it, in some way, restrict humanity, subjugate humanity to a difficulty that benefits another? Each story. Each paragraph. Each word. And don't restrict learning to a single book. It's been intentionally edited to perpetuate an ignorance of the truth; to control. Read apocrypha. Most of those writings that have been suppressed, have been, for an obvious reason. They shine on too much of some aspect of that elusive Truth. People start to Awaken, and go looking for answers. Those answers don't come easy; work for it. Do the reading. Compare. Be ready to relearn everything. Start with an open mind; girded in the armor of God. Secure in the thought - truth will win out.


Q has/is covering the aspect of "fair warning". Humanity has been told. There is actual EVIL at work in the world. Now. What is Humanity going to do about it? The test. We need to pass this test.


"all the glory of his family will hang on him; its offspring and offshoots - all it's lesser vessels, from the bowls to all the jars."


It never rained, but it poured… telling us, literally, what it was like…mists…primordial Saturnian weather patterns; consistent, periodic misting while earth plowed through the stable molecular cloud inside the plasma sheath. Peeling an onion/levels of truth.


Find the paradoxes within "muh book" and instead of trying to reconcile them, examine them. The lesson is on the other side of the paradox. Why build a complicated philosophical circle to make it work? Keep it simple…Occam’s razor; the simple answer; one is true, the other Cabalist propaganda for the purpose of control of your mind, body and soul. THEY counter truth in the book with such in order to blunt, confuse, and obfuscate it.


Insidious; easy peel seedless orange. Kid complains to mom and dad. Mom or dad has to peel orange. Mom or dad has to take the seeds out. Takes that 20-40 seconds working with the hands, mind free to think. Can't have that. Presto. easy peel seedless orange(easier, but not the way it's supposed to be, with intent). How many things in our lives are like that orange? A convenience, given to rush humanity back to distractions(programming).

Don't take care of your own lawn work, don't take the time away from your distractions(programming), hire this illegal(slave) to do it for you. Don't work on the things around your house that need it, don't take time away, to think, to hold ownership of your own life.

Every convenience in life; designed to steal thought. Keep Humanity fat & happy, too busy with chasing after muh cheese and slaving for distractions - free from thought.


Flickering light bulbs. Some people are like a steady bright beacon; shining Truth/Good. Some people are fountains of dark light; spreading Lies/Evil. Some just flicker on and off at one end or the other. Too many Truth bulbs flickering. Sometimes the Truth hurts. Some folks will look for any excuse at all to turn away from the cognitive dissonance. With every decision to deny/turn away from Truth, just turnin self off. Becomes a habit. This turning off of self. The sadness is, usually standing on old programming (this is good, that is bad, getting a negative, while giving a positive benefit to Wrong).

An example; having a conversation with some Awakened. Feelings running high due to mass murder. Rightfully so. Then someone with "muh blamin" of "anyone that knew and didn't stop it"…so. Now Judging. And passing sentence. In spite of all evidence to the contrary of the claim, one pushes the argument, "muh feelz". Instead of pointing fingers at the Evil that did the deed, fingers at those that were not able to stop everything everywhere everytime… the dislogic.

Dislogic. Intentional ignorance. Bad behavior at best. At worst, done with the intention to sow discord.

Bad programming. Still within the mind trap.



Anonymous ID: a473cb March 28, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.5945778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Does one go to bible study to have ones beliefs confirmed? Does one go to have the knowledge that one holds to be proven correct? If one does, that's not study. That's confirmation bias at play. Study should be a time where one, at least, pretends to not know the answers; open minded. "Belief can be manipulated, only knowledge is dangerous", if belief can be manipulated, it has been. If THEY could plant false knowledge among humanity, it has been. If humanity clings to, what it should know to be, false and false, shouldn't people at least allow for the possibility that humanity is then false? So far steered away from the Light that there's a constant pretending that Darkness is that Light that is craved. Pretending that ignorance is knowledge, that manipulated belief is certainty and Truth.


There's been a pattern through history. One that is clearly written. But twisted. With an expanded understanding, with an open mind, seeing that pattern brings a clarity. If people remain trapped in the mental/emotional/spiritual pit that the Cabal has laid us within, it is through choice. Humanity has been told. Had the how's laid out for study. Had the who's paraded before us. It's been clearly stated, and shown to be, Evil behind this plot to deceive and enslave humanity. If one refuses to expand understanding, open ones mind to what the possible truth could be; working against good. Working against enlightenment. In fact, working against what one claims to be fighting for. God. Most High.


Evil has hidden long enough in the space that good people give to each other to make living together easier. Simple. Evil hides in the space that good people give to each other. Shitty, but there ya go. Live and let live is how humanity works. It's the corruption that exploits that gap. Widens it. Blows it wide open. Left is purple, green is up. Nothing is even close. Because of good people give and take. Squeezing that gap pushes evil into the open. Watermelon seed style. To be seen for the small ugly thing that it is. And destroyed.


Truth is golden; black and white. it's really that simple, but somehow it's a crazy foreign idea to almost everyone. Taught. To allow for a million shades of gray as truth…smh.


Upstanding. Who ever said that being loving meant being passive? Said that it meant watching those we love make mistakes and quietly observe. Humanity, throughout cultures, is called to be upstanding. Those wise teachers that have come before taught that. It's not enough to be good. Rather, good and upstanding. Love your neighbor as self? Do you allow yourself to wallow in the wake of consequence? Or do you get back up and try better? If you make a mistake, do you thank the one that helps you over come that? Or do you hate them because they know, about you, something you'd rather one not?


Be thankful to those that would help you. Be helpful to those that would be thankful. Help all. What is an on the spot correction? Is there any reason that issuing one would be less than best? Humanity is being called to be good and upstanding people. To be united against an Evil that has preyed upon us for untold thousands of years.


People have been calling for justice. Has Judgement, Justice and Wrath have already arrived? Are people are still blind to it? Eyes not tuned to see it?

If one's house is afire, is it the greater kindness to roughly rouse them from sleep to save them or to gently try to wake them with niceties from the sidewalk? People don't believe the house is on fire. People don't see the urgency. People are ignoring reality. The pattern through history, recorded aplenty, is one where evil gets too greedy, and that pressure causes feedback. That feedback arouses people to the danger; there's a pushback. Looking at the world today, why are people still trying to pretend that the world will continue unchanged? Why are people still wishing for an evil world to persist? Fear of change? Fear of the responsibility of taking a stand?

Now is the time of declaring. To declare which group one belongs to. To the Good, the Evil, or that mad uncommitted mass in the middle. Does one work to fix the wrongs within your personal grasp? Or let them slide…or cause them… you are what you do when it matters. What kind of fruit does one's tree give?


Does one carry their own weight? Or does one rely on another to bear? Jesus? My sense is that he died to protect the innocent. Those without choice. Not to be a spiritual safety net; hammock. He wouldn't have taught so strongly about how to be good and upstanding if he was just gunna be all, "sin to hearts content, I got your tab"…

