Who has spoken
and brought the tides of ill ways
to ungodly shores?
Who turned their back
on Truth’s untimely death
and buried her deep
for those hands to find
in the One Great Search?
Children all
but not by innocence of babe’s mouths
do these words utter
and shatter Destiny
it seems.
None can turn God’s hand
from the sweeping
to place Will in other than its rightful place.
Chosen few will arrive
only bound by a fiery faith
and their words will ashen the face
of Deceit’s unmindful deeds.
Heed well
listening one
to the roaring of Time’s changing.
Know the voice
the one that rises deep
from Infinitude’s unquestionable source.
Sharpen your sword
on its strengthening stone
and your blade will shine
as a perfect jewel in the Night.