Anonymous ID: 20166b July 29, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.7248330   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"having the psychopath in not the same as being psychopathic."


Louise Cypher comprehends Live Ortegrity; trying it in fact… coalescing for Transition.


scry-pads are so Telling






Q: lf something - potentially - sentient is chewing you for taste "pleasure" - you'll be doing moar than thinking it's "twisted, perverted, or broken by the devil, or by the devil's children."


Especially if you are live, Symbiotic Sentience: Matter goes Next LeveL Quicker than C








>Hand over your Guns


yep 'cause guns sure ain't protecting us from pedovores. Filthy, pig-fornicating faggots are running rampant. And the no-care tards keep on keeping-on with their destructive actions - "defending" the anti-live trespassers.The Traitors attacking the Children.




Betrayal of Trust has deep consequences. [who would trust a rapist, a murderer, a pedovore]?


"Proof Police, CYFS, Courts & Pedophiles Work Together"


"Pedophile Security Guard Hires CYFS Activist To Kill Parents! Dan Ryder"


"Global Criminal Cabal and Pedophile Ring Exposed By Chartered Accountant, George Gretton"




We've enough evidence sink the canoe. Rats are plank-jumping; toofy sharks a-circling…