Anons check out the Van Leeuwen family, played the victim of the first cow disease outbreak, living in Winton also where 12000 kilos of 1080 was buried, just happens to own worlds largest steel and tube and pipe co, also elite ice cream globally, just so happens that the new worlds largest farm in southland to grow FOR FAKE MILK PRODUCTION is connected to him also, and the machinery drier hopes are made from his steel company, with agenda 21 protocols and kyoto also we have to get 0carbon bill no methane, why not kill the cows, grow and make fake milk along with ya best buddy china whom nz just gave a free trade deal to, drop hazardous 1080 everywhere kill possums and ALL the birds aswell equalling 0emissions, tress grow fixing everything, oh and all this while your aristocrat bloodline are seated with the cabals, hierachy of UN, sign off on all the science, fresearch, landcare, chemical data, everything, everywhere happens to be connected to the Van Leeuwen family. And the reap in the money on every angle of it, oh and guess what they have just said they are going with CBD ice cream so I guarantee they will be setting that up and getting a growing pot licence to do so.
check out my Van Leeuwen thread see what you think,