>>6095006 first thing humans need to get their heads around : Judasim is Torah of integrity, Christianity is Gospel of love, Islam is Quran of submission - refer "Three Pillars of Love" Stan Tenen. http://www.meru.org/Posters/JCI.html
Then Douglas Vogt at Diehold Foundation https://diehold.com/ [10050 days - NZ ain't looking too hot]
… with Ben Davidson at Suspicious0bservers ; he invites you to let your star-in-a-jar out - but is that safe? [ok for "public consumption"?] https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers
and perhaps prior, man will advance enough to survive the next catastrophe…
butt don't hold your breath: [Tards have a propensity to be Tards]
any-hoo; until President Camacho' next speech - I-AM:kNOT-SURE :-)