What are you voting for?
What does your vote and signature authorise? (Your actuary)
Do you know? [contract requires transparency :[or-null-and-void]
Q: Why B.C.I.R. [or bust ya social-credit score]
yep 'cause it's-be like "Cain 'n Able" and or><govern-mentis[]
Common-Wealth and Communism: It payz or tazed-[]
Hunger Games : WHO recalls DVD regions? <5>
QB[r]oth wit dat:?
>Manu Chao - Politik Kills (official video)
>And that's the secretary of education - Idiocracy (2006) Movie Clip
"still he does a pretty good job ayy?"
Ummmm: -No. The P.I.S. fails and harms Man.
full<erscene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoZ1-xPbNHg
"That's why muh Friends; it's in Evidence - politics is violence"