Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 13, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.7495944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911



The Finance and Expenditure Select Committee is currently hearing oral submissions on the governments second round of firearms law changes, and so far some 95% of the submissions have been against the bill. Such opposition is completely understandable given that the bill cranks up restrictions and punishments on those who try to comply with the law and makes no attempt to disincentivise criminals who use arms.


One of the submitters, Paul, from Aoraki Ammunition Company. Paul presented a Police Mail Order Form to the camera, one that authorized the transfer of 2,320 rounds of ammunition to Brenton Tarrant. Before Paul could get into much detail the Select Committee halted his submission and cut off the live-stream. Apparently you can’t give any details that show police incompetence when the product of that incompetence is still working it’s way through the court system.


Tarrant obtained a firearms licence within 5 weeks of arriving in NZ with no friends or family in the country.


Police then signed off on Tarrant ordering 2,320 rounds of ammunition.


His licence application was made in Waikato when he live in Dunedin, in a bid to increase his chances of obtaining a licence.


His personal referees required as part of vetting appear to be people who knew him online and not in person.


Tarrant declined to be interviewed by the vetting officer at his home, instead he was interviewed at work.


There is doubt if a security check of his home was even conducted.


Concerns about Tarrant were reportedly raised with Police prior to the attacks and not followed up.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 13, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.7495961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911

Police inflate firearms offences by a factor of 10 in legislation impact report


Let me bust out my calculator real quick, and, ah, yes – the real number is more like 1.3% of serious assaults in 2018, roughly one-tenth of what the Police are telling our MPs. And the percentages plummet if you take all assaults or a wider range of offences into account.


And then once you take the rate of firearms offences committed by firearms licence holders, which is around 1%, you end up with about 0.01% of serious violent crimes involving firearms being committed by licence holders. The Arms Legislation Bill almost exclusively focuses on regulation of licences, dealers, clubs, and ranges, and ignores the other (literally) 99.99% of violent crime involving firearms.


If there was any shred of credibility remaining in the NZ Police they just flushed it away.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 13, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.7495969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895

Ex-cop: Gun licence obtained without proper checks


Police did not follow the correct procedure in granting a gun licence to the accused Christchurch shooter, former head of firearms control Joe Green says.

However, police say correct processes were followed and in a statement said the alleged gunman was interviewed at his Dunedin home, not a workplace as claimed.


This story was first published by RNZ

Mr Green said a source had told him no interview was conducted with a spouse, partner or next of kin as part of the licensing process to determine whether an applicant is "fit and proper to posses a firearm".


Alleged shooter vetted for gun licence in Dunedin

"I understand that there was no interview of a spouse, partner or next of kin, because he didn't have a spouse or partner, he did have next of kin who live in Australia.


"I understand that two unrelated referees … were interviewed and that they were a father and son and that they said almost exactly the same thing."


The two referees knew the accused shooter primarily through online chat room contact, Mr Green said he had been told.


"He [the accused] declined to be interviewed at his home, is what I'm advised, and was interviewed at his place of work and it would seem from that no home visit may have taken place."


Home visits provide valuable insights, Mr Green said.


"So that means police didn't have a chance to have a look at his living situation, see what sort of person he might have been, what his house was like - even if he had a home.


"Finding a person fit and proper to possess a firearm is the most basic hurdle someone has to get through in order to obtain a firearm."


Mr Green told Morning Report he trusted his source who he said had access to the relevant file. He said the problem was systemic.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 13, 2019, 3:28 a.m. No.7496015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911

NZ Police in full spin over buyback database breach


Many kiwis are speculating that the breach is much larger that the official story is letting on, and that speculation is supported by the fact that Police have elected to keep the database offline for the foreseeable future and switch to a “manual system”, whatever that entails. If the breach was a simple misallocation of dealer access, then it should be a minor operation to remove dealer access entirely and bring the system back online – especially given the period that firearms owners could hand-in to dealers has elapsed, so dealers no longer need access to the system.


If the system was secure outside of the dealer logins, then by far the most sensible solution would be to remove those dealer logins and resume normal operation. The fact that this isn’t being done raises some serious red flags about how accurate the official story is.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 13, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.7501937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911

Newshub deletes poll after results disagree with political agenda


Newshub has on many occasions shown political bias in the way it reports on topical issues, but this latest effort has brought the contempt the editors there have for balanced reporting out into the open. The poll was on whether Jacinda Ardern should run for a second term as Prime Minister of New Zealand, and the result was an astounding No.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 15, 2019, 1:25 a.m. No.7512750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4059 >>6911

also posted on main board


Why it is necessary to initiate a Commission of Inquiry into the measles crisis


By Mata'afa Keni Lesa, 14/12/2019


Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sa’ilele Malielegaoi’s changing tone on calls for a full Commission of Inquiry to investigate the circumstances, which led to the fatal measles crisis, is a step in the right direction.

The call was made by Samoa’s lone opposition voice, Olo Fiti Vaai, on the pages of your newspaper two weeks ago. By speaking out, Olo merely voiced what many decent thinking people had been muttering under their breaths, since the measles death toll spiralled out of control. Common sense right?

Not really according to Prime Minister Tuilaepa who initially rejected the call, saying it was a typical “political gimmick” by Olo to win points during a very difficult time in this country’s history.



Besides and perhaps the most important factor in all this is the fact that lives have been lost. There needs to be accountability in terms of these deaths.

Last year, the lives of two babies were lost in Savai’i. The tragedy became the subject of a full Commission of Inquiry, which found that the nurses were careless in administering the vaccination.

Criminal charges followed and those two nurses have since been convicted and jailed. Whether we agree or not, that is accountability, transparency and good governance.



The Government needs to do the same with the circumstances that led to the measles crisis. If two nurses have been jailed for the deaths of two babies in Savai’i, how much more is accountability needed over the deaths of more than 70 people?


There are so many questions that need to be answered and these questions should be the subject of a Commission of Inquiry.

Let’s not forget that the health sector, mainly what we know today as the Ministry of Health, has been in a state of turmoil for many, many years.


Speaking of inquiries, let us quickly revisit the findings of the last Commission of Inquiry into the health system. Ladies and gentlemen, the writing was on the wall, alarm bells should have gone off and yet some people were asleep at the wheel.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 19, 2019, 10:06 p.m. No.7568385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2288 >>2306

John Minto calls for investigation over Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel political donations


11:22 pm on 19 December 2019


Former Christchurch mayoral candidate John Minto is the second person to lay a complaint against current mayor Lianne Dalziel over undeclared election donations.


Veteran activist John Minto has announced his second bid for the Christchurch mayoralty.John Minto contested the Christchurch mayoralty this year. Photo: RNZ / Katie Todd

Minto is asking the city council's electoral officer to investigate why Dalziel has only revealed the identity of six people, who each donated more than $1500 to her campaign.


They donated through an auction her husband ran. She only declared the total amount that came from him.


Minto alleges Dalziel used the same system before winning the mayoralty in 2016.


"Lianne Dalziel is a lawyer herself. She's run numerous campaigns, political campaigns. She did not want to identify the major donors to her campaign and I don't think acceptable and I think we need an investigation to get to the bottom of it."


The six donors were revealed yesterday as Wei Min Lu ($17,850), Yong Chen ($3920), Zhe Cheng Tan ($2800), Jiang Ping Wang ($2350), Grandland Investment Ltd ($2950) and Yang Xia Wu ($1750).


Dalziel today blamed her husband for the lack of transparency, saying he had believed the donors who gave more than $1500 did not need to be declared, and she had acted on his advice.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Dec. 20, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.7574603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2288 >>2306

Westport rats ‘Mr X’ is Dr Nick Wall


The man behind the mystery lab responsible for 1080 tests that puzzled toxicologists is a chemist with a history of test results unable to be replicated. Farah Hancock reports.


Timaru’s Dr Nick Wall has been identified by Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa as the chemist responsible for tests it commissioned on rats and other creatures washed up on a Westport beach.


Wall has previously been associated with disputed test results. In one instance these resulted in costs to ratepayers and taxpayers thought to start between $50,000 and $100,000.


Initially Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa would not identify the independent lab that claimed to find traces of 1080 and its byproducts among the 680 rats that washed up onto a Westport beach in November. The mystery lab also claimed dead weka and a starfish collected at the beach showed signs of consuming 1080. The results contradicted those from Landcare Research, which is accredited to test for 1080. Its tests found no trace of 1080.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 5, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.7728851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5558 >>2288 >>2306

New Zealands not clean green

January 4 at 6:36 PM ·

Mike Meehan is the Director of the Rolleston 1080 plant.

Mike Meehan is also Chief executive of the West Coast Regional Council who own 49% of the 1080 Rolleston plant.

How much is Mike making while HIS council loose hundreds of thousands of $$$$$.



Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.7776932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>New Zealand – A Blackmailer’s Guide


New Zealand - A Blackmailer's Guide: Cons from Within New Zealand.

by Greg Hallett

4.80 · Rating details · 5 ratings · 1 review

When the rivers, forests and coastline are removed from this 'pure country', cons and compromised politicans show just how far they have gone to serve the New World Order. Lifting the carpet on New Zealand shows it to be a paedophile movement fronting as a country.


The literary movement is a paedophile protectorate. The Prime Minister and Speaker of the House both tried to launch a nuclear strike on Taupo with the KGB's Vladimir Putin.


The government talkshow host is into every drug known to man and married his call girl.


The Head of Social Services was the dominatrix of the Attorney General.


The more sexually deviant a woman is, the further and faster she is promoted, no matter how ingrained the learning difficulties. Male paedophiles are promoted into politics and then to the top positions with complete police cover.


The judiciary shows itself to be a paedophile and crime creation movement whose primary goal is fatherless families.


Israel and China fight it out over New Zealand, deciding to be tolerant of each other, China taking the North Island and Israel taking the South Island, from where Israel plans to take over Antarctica.


The US Navy calls the capital city Wellington, 'Jerk', and New Zealand, 'Flux', but the New World Order name is 'New Spain' - from where the new continent of Antarctica will be exploited.


A list of Intelligence names and addresses are garnered . . .


. . . and a few more attempts on the author's life - standard now for any author who strays from the agenda.


This book is the result of at least three decades of intelligence research. The histories were collected from multiple sources independent of each other and the results have been disturbing enough to warrant checking and rechecking.


The actual events are so bizarre and unbelieveable that they have to be recorded in detail just to confirm their existence. The media never reports bizarre stories, or the truth, or the bizarre truth. The most common excuse given is 'fear of litigation', but the truth is more bizarre - the media are usually connected to the bizarre crap they're not reporting.


Governments spend huge money and resources covering their true nature - this is called counter-intelligence. Counter-intelligence permeates throughout every government department. It produces nothing, costs the most, controls the media, presents quiet lies to the public, and maintains governments in power. That is the role of counter-intelligence. Its greatest ally is the media, then the police and judiciary.


Counter-intelligence is the most influential and far-reaching government department and is not limited in methods or extent of attack. Anyone who thinks out loud is on their list—a-blackmailer-s-guide

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.7778102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>2288 >>2306

My House Was Raided Over A .22LR Lever Action Rifle



Dieuwe de Boer


On Thursday evening, I was just finishing up dinner with my two oldest kids. My wife was feeling unwell and feeding our four-week old baby in bed. I had just gotten the icecream out for the kids when the doorbell rang.


I opened the door to see a number of police officers outside. They served me with a search warrant under Section 6 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012. Half a dozen armed police officers swarmed in the front door (holstered sidearms only) as several more ran around the sides of the house. They later called for more backup as the house was larger than your average state-house drug lab. I got the impression that they'd never had to raid a middle-class suburban house like mine before. Everyone on the property was detained, read their rights, and questioned separately. I opted to call a lawyer who advised me to refuse to answer any questions.


The warrant claimed they had reason to believe I was in possession of a prohibited magazine fitted to a ".22RL lever action rifle. Blued metal, brown wooden stock." The officer told me I had posted about it online, which I had—in my public written submission against the Firearms Amendment Act passed last year. That submission was shared on several blogs and social media. I had used the firearm as an example to prove the legislation was not targeting "military style assault weapons" as the media, prime minister, and her cabinet repeated ad nauseum. The vast majority of firearms affected by the legislation were just like mine.


I thought nothing more of my little example to the select committee. It was no longer in my possession when the police raided my house. They departed empty-handed after turning the place inside out for ninety minutes, and left me with my firearms and a visibly shaken wife who broke down in tears. Thankfully, the kids didn't quite get what was going on—but I realised after that they had gone to bed without icecream.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.7778342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9575 >>3613 >>2288 >>2306

Carol Sawyer

Yesterday at 1:36 PM



Somebody died, but who? Someone was poisoned and survived…only just. Why is the person who was poisoned but survived not listed on the register ?! Read on.


Pest Control Research Ltd is the Rolleston factory that makes 1080 baits.


Information from Worksafe's Fatalities Register

FatalID 686

Year 2019

Month 7

Month_Year Jul-19

AFF2017 Public Administration and Safety

AFF2017_Lvl2 Public Administration

IndustryLvl1 Public Administration and Safety

IndustryLvl2 Public Administration

IndustryLvl3 Local Government Administration

IndustryLvl4 Local Government Administration

Local_Government_Region Canterbury

Local_Government_District Christchurch City

Age 38

Age_Group 35-39

Worker_or_MemberOfThePublic Worker

Classification Single Contact with Chemical or Substance

Minor_Classification_Group Single Contact with Chemical or Substance

Major_Classification_Group Chemicals and other substances

WorkSafe_Confirmed_Fatalities Yes




Original news report here :…/worker-poisoned-at-pest-control-w…




On December 19, 2018 I wrote:


"We have a poisoned worker at the Bromley warehouse, May 28, 2019, and the issue has gone to ground with no findings to be released for 12 months. We do not know whether he is dead or alive. It was almost certainly 1080 poison as he was processing chemicals for transportation to the PCR Ltd factory in Rolleston that makes 1080 baits. Why else the secrecy ?"




NO to 1080 Use in NZ wrote on October 11, 2019:


"What happened to the 1080-poisoned employee in Christchurch?" - link here :[0]=68.ARBAV2mz7Jd4RhjEFdAcxLa9IIGo6eMKaRHEQNpbpsOpZjn-RxS1CfUnPTor-J8NlDnc1S8uXJMSH2NUEW_XRzwZjb0J9ju_DWhRtkwKUw4o0J4vcbdEwFWNZVTqpU4F2vCxgQUOekGvHLMtGkHAxAr1oJXhVQKXn-DeJwyHzJQxrbfAO98X2RM8DAiv20DGUVbN4bAmM_uKbZpAsayF9hBy-Z-EjZBAC3CKN-bpWV3XG_mJeMHXR7tJTKqc75euD5P-JmATyU_ocRZ6mii1wnpM3pos-NmRb8qmLrG8d8dIQynrupgakCtXX6cmUwntqpgZAXkK_WZeKx1fbR_ydB65qw&tn=-R


I have been told the person is a contractor, not an employee, and is in management at Kiwicare Ltd. After nearly dying. he is now back at work and is still working for Kiwicare Ltd in Christchurch.


The news report above says "The man was processing chemicals that were going to be delivered to the main PCR office in Rolleston." I am told he breathed something in and that was the last thing he remembered. Goodness….'what wicked webs they weave, when first they practice to deceive'. Were there TWO poisoned workers ?[0]=68.ARCfk_myha3ecRtG3dmbamsu_b4pwex-uOogvAUSU4D_nUXi8jQNZ3_Eqp_syztUhQDlp_Aqsqbj-abWx0Vu3C2A2Ak0LvWfuPmuwxNDlDtX4hcOcdcjSYXbT-u_GzrlPXc67a7iXUydKXuh1Kswq1wbqdXuvEsqJX2KTbCnN5q7K1aH8lTxiq952wPjFpNDT4i38k0ukQK9J_R5IIWy3kzDiaa5-YXJTipp-VY0RnRGlueep8z-aEu8QqKmLvErmaDSYpfOil3Gbgkn-Qj4sdAUhzUjK6c2UbrQTfXHRaBXomug9aA-Vz5VsaD22rSF3qcSApHHVI_4T_IkPNRabWindQ&tn=-R

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.7778590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2288 >>2306



New Conservative NZ

· 19 hrs ·



Unnecessary Waste of Resources on Firearms Ideology


Last night twelve armed police officers raided the home of a young family with a newborn child.


No police record and no criminal convictions.


The reason for going to the trouble of getting a search warrant and sending twelve officers? A photo from a year ago that showed the young father with a lever action .22. A rabbit rifle.


Not an assault rifle, not threatening anyone, not militarised, just an ordinary everyday .22 that wasn’t illegal when the photo was taken. Gangs have openly said that they will not hand in their firearms, we have record drug busts at the borders, and we struggle to get police to attend to burglaries.


Yet somehow twelve armed officers are justified in searching through a law-abiding citizen's house for a .22.


This is not good policing, this is not efficient use of resources, this is political puppetry of the police force and must stop. What is wrong with a simple phone call asking if he still had the firearm and if so why had he not handed it in?


Five minutes for one officer rather than one hour for Twelve.


New Conservative are alarmed that the police are being utilised politically as this person is a conservative blogger and there is no other reason to target him. Police are losing their hard-won respect with law-abiding New Zealanders when ordered to attend such cases, with not only the absolute waste of resources, but the clear abuse of power.


We are losing our freedoms and our democracy.


And fyi…he no longer had the firearm…


Stand for Freedom, Stand for Family.


Stand with New Conservative.


And let's fix this.



Source article:

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.7823613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2288 >>2306






If this is the case there were TWO people poisoned by 1080 on May 28, 2019, at the Kiwicare Ltd warehouse in Bromley, Christchurch, where, according to news reports, chemicals were being processed for delivery to the main 1080-bait factory, Pest Control Research Ltd, in Rolleston.


On 9 January, 2020, James Harold sent an OIA request to Worksafe ( see attached).


On 14 January, 2020, he rang Worksafe to see if they had received it. They confirmed they had and they sent him the email attached, (with his OIA request at the end, which I have not included here as it contains his personal details).


James Harold is adamant that at no time did he mention 1080 poison or the Christchurch (Bromley) poisoning to them.


As James' OIA request asked about a fatality on the Worksafe fatalities register, and the Worksafe response was to ask James if the Bromley incident was the one he meant (which he has confirmed to them in a reply email), a simple deduction means it would appear the Kiwicare Ltd worker died.


(See record of fatality attached, from the Worksafe Fatalities register - a screenshot with the register headings is attached too, for clarity.)




However we also know that a manager was poisoned and survived - see attached screenshot of comment made by Sara Leadbetter recently on 'Ban 1080 - South Island' Facebook group.


I have since spoken to Sara Leadbetter and she has confirmed her statement. The person still alive is a contractor, not an employee, and is in management at Kiwicare Corporation Ltd. (1) I was told he breathed something in and that was the last thing he remembered. He was in a coma, had organ failure, and nearly died. He is now back at work and is still working for Kiwicare in Christchurch.




See original news report here :…/worker-poisoned-at-pest-control-w…


and see post I wrote on this incident on January 19, 2020, here:




(1) Kiwicare Ltd's owner, Matthew O'Brien, is the 51% shreholder of PCR Ltd, the Rolleston factory that makes 1080 baits.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.7885117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5156 >>0778 >>4514 >>2288 >>2306



Harmon Wilfred is believed to be one of New Zealand's longest-term overstayers, he is in New Zealand unlawfully.


He and his wife, Canadian food company heiress Carolyn Dare-Wilfred, arrived in New Zealand in 2001 to avoid what he describes in one email as alleged political retribution and safety from CIA death threats.


In 2005, while still living in New Zealand, Wilfred relinquished his US citizenship. He claimed he did so because the US Consulate General refused to return his passport.


Harmon Wilfred owned the following business (all in liquidation): La Famia No1 Ltd, La Famia No2 Ltd, La Famia No3 Ltd, La Famia No4 Ltd and owns a huge amount of money to former employees, NZ Government and many other companies in New Zealand.


-Websites about Harmon Wilfred:


-Many news about Harmon Wilfred:


-Court Cases:


Glen v Wilfred Investments Ltd 30 January 2013 [2013] NZERA Christchurch 23


Glen v Wilfred Investments Ltd 19 November 2012 [2012] NZERA Christchurch 252


WILFRED v LEXINGTON LEGAL LTD [2016] NZHC 2972 [9 December 2016]


WILFRED v LEXINGTON LEGAL LTD [2016] NZHC 1469 [4 July 2016]


LA FAMIA NO. 1 LIMITED v GAN and YU and ORS [2015] NZHC 728 [16 April 2015]


LA FAMIA NO 1 LIMITED (in liquidation) v GAN [2014] NZHC 3158 [10 December 2014]




GAN YU v WILFRED AND ORS [2014] NZHC 101 [10 February 2014]


LA FAMIA NO. 1 LIMITED v GAN and YU [2013] NZHC 3491 [18 December 2013]


WILFRED & Ors v GAN & Anor CA184/2013 [2013] NZCA 544 [6 November 2013]


WILFRED & ORS V GAN & ANOR CA184/2013 [2013] NZCA 457 [4 October 2013]


WILFRED & ORS V GAN & ANOR CA184/2013 [2013] NZCA 295 [9 July 2013]


WILFRED & ORS V GAN & ANOR CA184/2013 [2013] NZCA 285 [2 July 2013]


GAN V WILFRD HC CHCH CIV-2013-409-000442 15 March 2013




-Companies (all in liquidation)

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 23, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.7894514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5703 >>2288 >>2306





The first article in an investigative series by Joseph Cederwall, Former Immigration Lawyer, and Co-editor of Scoop.


A senior Christchurch couple, Harmon and Carolyn Wilfred who arrived in New Zealand together in 2001, have been forcibly separated for over three years due to the decisions and actions of Immigration New Zealand (“INZ”) and the New Zealand Judicial system. On 2 November 2018, INZ again declined Canadian-born Carolyn’s application for a temporary Business Visa on what the couples’ lawyer believes are highly questionable legal grounds. This decision, which has no appeal rights, has finally prompted the couple to go public.


Carolyn is the owner of a nationally distributing and exporting food and beverage company that employs a number of specialised, skilled workers in Marlborough. She also has a personal net worth in the tens of millions, no criminal record and strong community connections in New Zealand which makes this decision incomprehensible to the Wilfreds and their legal counsel.


The Wilfreds have not seen each other in person since September 2015 when Carolyn was forced to leave New Zealand by the sudden and unexplained refusal to grant her further business or visitor visas. This senior couple remain “absolutely in love”, despite this now extended forced separation.


To be forcibly separated from the one you love so much for so long, when you have done nothing wrong, is so incredibly cruel. A skype marriage isn’t great, but we are thankful for that. Our hearts ache for each other every moment of every day. We try not to focus on it too much as tears flow. We miss each other terribly! It is difficult for us to understand how the people in power who are doing this to us can sleep at night.

Anonymous ID: 312628 Jan. 23, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.7895703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0112



Major failure by New Zealand’s media

Thursday, 15 February 2018, 2:00 pm

Press Release: Hugh Steadman

As reported in multiple previous press releases, Harmon Wilfred, a CIA whistleblower in possession of testimony against Bill and Hillary Clinton that should have had significant influence on NZ foreign policy, has been living in New Zealand since 2001. He has been stateless, without travel documents and unable to leave the country ever since his request for political asylum was rejected in 2006.


In 2011, immediately following a summit between John Key and Hillary Clinton, he was issued with an unenforceable deportation order. In September 2015, Carolyn Wilfred, with the full prior-knowledge of INZ, visited her daughter in Canada. Without any advance warning, INZ issued an all-ports ban on her re-entry - thus separating the couple, with no chance to say their farewells, potentially, for the rest of their lives. A few days ago (with a new government in power) INZ rescinded the deportation order. However it continues to insist that Carolyn remains in exile and that, even though he has no travel documents, Harmon should leave New Zealand and thus reside in international waters, or undocumented, attempt entry into another country. In the next few weeks, the Hon. Kris Faafoi, the new Associate Minister of Immigration, is scheduled to reassess Harmon Wilfred’s situation.


Over several years, starting in 2008, a series of deeply calumnious and misleading articles about the Wilfreds appeared in the Christchurch Press. The reporter responsible never once spoke to, or met the victims of his vicious assaults. The articles would seem to have been written to fit perfectly into the CIA’s SOPs for the punishment of those whistleblowers outside the range of its ‘cleaning’ department: destroy their reputations; rubbish their evidence; make them unemployable and if possible drive them into bankruptcy.


Other than the Christchurch Press articles, which determinedly avoided the truth, there has been a single gallant attempt to reveal the real Wilfred story by a reporter of the ODT. His full-feature article, based on several months’ research through Harmon’s voluminous archives, was inexplicably spiked immediately before publication.


With those exceptions, and one or two very brief mentions in sundry blogs, the New Zealand media has almost completely ignored the story of the extreme injustice the Wilfreds have suffered at the hands of the NZ government