This is from august but within dates of this thread and an excellent example of the kind of vilifying lies that the NZ Government tells to suppress its Opposition
NO to 1080 use in NZ
· August 9 ·
Ongoing lies from New Zealand’s Dept of Conservation, but our peaceful protests continue.
We have reported in the past year or so about the increasing claims in the media from people like Lou Sanson, Director-General of the DoC and Nicola Toki, DoC’s ‘Threatened Species Ambassador’ that ‘anti-1080 activists are dangerously out of control’, ‘have gone feral’ and even ‘ are repeatedly making death threats to DoC staff’.
On 31st August 2018, we exposed the truth about these lies. We reported the response to an Official Information Act to the New Zealand Police, which asked ‘exactly HOW MANY threats of violence towards DoC staff had been recorded from so-called ‘anti-1080 activists in the past 2 years?’ and perhaps more importantly, ‘how many of these were being upheld?’
The answer, back then, was six. Between March 2016 and March 2018 there were a total of only six reports of threats to NZ Police, of which, ZERO were being progressed to prosecution.
From March up to October 2018, how many MORE threats to DoC were reported to the Police? After all, there was (according to TVNZ in Sept, 2018) a “sharp rise in threats to DoC staff”. Numerous media articles attempted to alarm the public about the ‘dangers’ of ‘anti-1080 activists’. The commencement of a costly contract with the private security firm, Thompson and Clark (April 2018) added to the perceived seriousness of the situation. Journalists like Tom O’Connor wrote opinion pieces with headlines like ‘ Anti-1080 protesters' threats to human life inexcusable’. But where is the evidence that should support these claims?
OIA responses confirmed that between March to October 2018 there had been THREE so-called threats reported to Police. The same, on average, as the previous two years. Reported incidents included a threatening phone call, and a note left on a DoC vehicle.
We now have an updated OIA response from NZ Police, informing us of how many further reports they have received since October 2018, to the 8th August 2019. Nearly one whole year has passed. How many reports of so-called threats to DoC from anti-1080 activists?
This single incident apparently involved someone dressed up in a DoC uniform, and was dismissed by the Police because it was “not a direct threat to DoC workers”.
To be clear, there has recently been one well-publicised single prosecution. As far as Admin of the page are aware, the man, Gregory Buchanan, was unknown and unconnected to any persons or groups associated with the long-standing, peaceful protests against the use of aerial poisons in New Zealand. Mr Buchanan's motives were unclear, but the media reported: “A man has been sentenced to five years in prison after sending threatening letters to Department of Conservation (DOC) staff over 1080 poison.[…]. In a statement, DOC’s Director General Lou Sanson says he hopes this sentence will serve as a deterrent for others. Mr Sanson says anti-social behaviour and threats against DOC staff have grown over the past year from people who oppose predator control using 1080 to protect our indigenous forests and wildlife. The threats have moved beyond social media trolling to the targeting of vehicles, property and people. Staff and contractors have been followed, filmed, assaulted and threatened.” (1NewsNow. 7 June 2019).
But where is Mr Sanson’s evidence for these claims? Who is it that needs a 'deterrent'? As we've reported here previously, even DoCs own records do not support these claims. The claims of threats are utterly false. This begs questions such as: Why are DoC so obsessed with this fantasy of trying to be seen as a victim? And, perhaps more importantly, WHY have DoC recently been allocated millions of extra dollars of taxpayers funds to ‘protect themselves’ against this self-invented danger?
This Fake News must end and our New Zealand Media must be held to account for constantly adding to this dangerous propaganda.
Please share this whole post &/or credit the page. This research takes a lot of our time and admin of this page are volunteers.