>...Stop being too obscure...
Oh muh_creature! - i am Trying to be Concise.
Q: Do you have control of your "creature"?
'cause IF (you) do: u Won-Already :-)
Carry on :- For The Children' Children.....<:>*
Muh_creature_Metric_Reeee_27xi.png ]Royally[
kNow - bak to Objective-Reality (obscure indeed!): [pinch-ya-self: [carefully y'[x=hospital vs. along = morgue] 'cause ya lucky Savile is dead-ledger-text] - eye guess?
x-board too : - but i hear Kiwi's been spy'n a lot'a night-lights 'n that.
Let's add to your excuse-to-reee:
>Ehh, I’m thinking they were tricked into being satanists and some of these sick fucks fell for it. It was a blackmail scheme.
kNot muh curse'n butt: it's lik Cain 'n Ables vs. cannibals - damn [hilarious] if it wasn't so SerIOUs.
Q: Can [do] gut nematodes cum?
Q+: Can [does] the sun [reee]-program hu-man[s]?
>i been mapped. fucker. i no sum thing a bout my brian.
(me too)
Lux-Vertus {Love to u 2)
knot so sure about that "wwg1wga" - recall that "euthanasia referendum" - which WILL be a binding byte?
yeaH: Where's dat CRISP? 'cause it looks good[ish]