>>5944908 Q, lb
>>5923156 (/pb)
>>5923269 (/pb)
>>5923374 (/pb)
Tina Chen, Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, was texting Kim Foxx. Chen persuaded Kim Foxx to convince Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn his investigation of to the FBI because the Smollett family was concerned about alleged ‘false’ leaks. Foxx obviously followed through, which would move the case to the Chicago FBI office.
Chicago FBI
In the picture is all off the high-ups at the main Chicago FBI office. I dig through these people’s names and found that Doug S. Beidler was one of the field supervisors at the FBI office in Las Vegas during the Mandalay Bay shooting…
He’s in the same position in Chicago now, unless there are two special agents with the name Doug S. Beidler…