If it all seems so pointless to you, then why are you here? Why don't you just anhero? You are not offering anything we all don't already know about the rigged system we live in. You definitely haven't provided any proof about Anning being compromised or working for the cabal. Your lack of proof is quite frankly astounding. Do you work for the MSM by any chance? If not, you should consider working for them as you apply the same investigative techniques that they do.
Seriously though, I think you need to lay off the drugs (inc. alcohol) a bit and seek some help. Get yourself straightened out and start digging for the proof we all need to expose them. You could start rifling through parliamentary records for how politicians have voted in the senate, who the family political dynasties are like the Katters, the Downers, the Hodgmans, etc. Here's an idea, how about you research for Fraser Anning's history and any of his party's candidates, research his party policies to see where he may slip up, go through his parliament voting records to see where his true allegiances really lie.
>inb4 it's too hard and it's pointless