Wow, is this where we will conduct operations from against Israel?
I wonder if the prison library has a copy of the satanic verses for @jack
Yeah, this interpretation seems to make the most sense.
>Meanwhile, congressional Republicans and strategists are urging him to move on.
We need a list of these subversive and traitorous pricks. I already know Karl Rove is one of these "Republicans." Who else is saying this?
It's just another MOS tactic that doesn't work here.
Pretty sure he's Schiffting his pants now.
So many questions.
Is that you Avenatti? You really suck at interpreting the law.
It's all good. I'll keep an eye out and make a list.
Kikes sure do love restricting free speech. Kinda humorous when they do it to other kikes, though.
Karl Rove thinks people are stupid enough to believe that he actually wants to help the president get reelected.
Do you acknowledge that Israel is a stronghold of the deep state, just like America?