Anonymous ID: 3f444b March 28, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.5947103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121

>>5946760 lb/pb

That is not what the book is about. It's a story about the scribes who penned the Muslim wholly book. Not satanism.


It's about how they decided to test god by at first making a mistake in the transcription, then later omitting things God(holy spirit) stated, to finally writing whatever they wanted behind the premise that if he was the almighty he wouldn't let the mistakes go unchecked or uncorrected. It's not about Satan. I mean it's been 10 years since I read it, but I remember that much. The juxtaposition between Christian references and Muslim references are the main characters own British influence over their Indian roots. I.e. swapping one god for that of your conquerer. I'm still not seeing the connection to the statement other than @jack was reading the book. Which in no way makes him a Satanist. Not saying he isn't, but it's not because of his choice of literature in this particular case. IMO, last I chek'd. I could be wrong though. If so, let me know.