Anonymous ID: 2a0206 March 28, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.5949867   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Maybe this will cheer me up.

Hey Chris… is the 29th actually happening?

I need a break… even if it's just a lil' one.

Something's got to give.

I didn't mean to find out how much of a support deficit I could work under…


But I guess that's the name of the game?

How much can I give, outside of suicide?

(it's an ever present option that's not an option…)



Is there a singular word that means "suicide by giving"?

"Fucking yourself over for the benefit of people who give zero shits" is a bit wordy.


I refuse to think I'm delusional.

It's just… always more waiting…

"but your suffering isn't as bad as the victims of whatever kind of heinous thing we're stopping!"


Yup… I know.

But I have to not become one of those victims in the process.


I can't "step away"… and I can't "enjoy the show" from afar as if I've had no part in it.


I just… don't know what to do when I'm at that wall of needing others to act… let alone do the (god forbid) right thing.

It's not even a "self sufficiency" thing.


If I want to not be alone… I need others.

It's… that's just how it works.

I won't become a shitty person just to have people around me…


I justcare.

Nobody wants me to, even to the point of actively discouraging it, but I'm that fucking fool that gives a shit.

Looking for someone else who does, as well.


The problem should never be "you shouldn't have cared!".

I'm not careless, I don't want to become careless.

I don't want to hate people.

Everyone makes it as hard as possible to love them, but I refuse to HATE humanity/being a part of it.


Even if I trust the plan… trust that where we go one we go all…

I've never experienced anything like that.

And the reason is because I gave a shit.


I'm not going to stop giving a shit

Hopefully it's not the end of me.


"He literally couldn't give anymore and just fell over due to lack of support."