++Help ( litale-bit co-deee) TOPIKK N-ZZ shoe terr. PLZE hpl breadd finnd a home to BAKE!! need HLP. BIGGE TIPPY !! sttart heare (NOODLESZ tink'!) - Bear w mee plz OKE o-k? ++++ NZ pow pow socker vic has funde at $171,000+ wasz the cownterSStrike (shoote m upp Vid gayme) gayme playyer thate waz nearlee top puppy in zee World at dee time. Luks just lik the 17 minn vide of NZ pew pewz. Dat Socr/FTbal twtter stankz REEL badde w cur-rent back door tech infow and taggsee. (Caturberrrry techeey) namey onne outSidde sineee off MoSQeee Ccristchrcheee - w/ VR (head gear fakkey stuffey) drops dum dumz on the ttweetz. picks showee canterburyee signee on thee plaquey rt there on the christche urch pew pewz locashioneee. oddey? also testee mayy havve been rune on Zukksz faygBookz Ayy-ih tekee. Iff sokkerfuk hade an-knee pp powerr to use dat sKILL, anytiing GOZE. Playyede fore NZ (Fhut-zhal teem) - ore means NZ.ee all whitez. Yezz daye pllaye w teemee nayme da' alll BLKZZ. odd yzz big dealee maybee .GgOw now Baykee dayt Fkn bred for teem light . Ohnly tip of ICEberrgee. Tooh MUCho infoz. Yu can'ttt haAnn-dle thiss mucho on dat NOODLEZ. lottz off more too cum. hope dis brea\d bakesz. itsz a Dooozee. PLEEZ LOkkee INn TOOO THIZZ . BIG-ee DUMMEE TURDEEZ. REED THZZ OVEREE a gen annd agan PLZZ