Ever hear of Martin Luther? He’s the reason half of americans are Christians but not in the catholic church… Ever found yourself asking why are his writings from later years so heavily censored?
Martin Luther’s reformation changed the world and most Christians don’t even read his writings because of Jewish censorship efforts that don’t want people reading it.
You can read the whole book “The Jews and Their Lies” by Mrtin Luther for free here: https://archive.org/details/TheJewsAndTheirLies_201812
If you want to read an article on Marthin Luther, his book “The Jews and Their Lies” and other subjects related to the Jewish religion/culture/identity (such as circumcision, usury, Jewish censorship efforts and war against free-speech, and others), go here: http://archive.vn/n4ZPp
A video version of the article above can be found here: https://archive.org/details/youtube-mvQuTKtLoyU