The Celestial Gospel
The Apostle Paul warned the Followers of Jesus that there would be Angels and/or other ‘Beings’ that would be propagating a ‘different Gospel’. This has been, is and will be the case. In fact, the Bible foretells of the ‘Lie that will be believed’. In part it will be the Great Deception in that an ‘Alien Savior’ narrative will be believed after the Rapture occurs. It has been the case in every case that all such Beings dispel the Biblical narrative of Jesus Christ being the only Savior of Humanity. Such Beings sound like ‘Muslims’ as that is the religion specifically invented to negate the Sonship of Jesus. Instead such ‘Beings’ instead ‘preach’ world peace, unity, harmony, universal brotherhood, etc. Such seem and are higher forms of ‘frequency’ and truth, but they intentionally deceive in that all such conditions can only be found and realized in Jesus Christ. Thus, this is the test to which the Bible in 1 John 4 sets the standard. If any of these ‘Spirit Beings of Light’ deny Jesus as the Son of GOD come in the flesh, then they are of the AntiChrist spirit, dominion and purpose. Consider that in essence, the true Gospel of Jesus and Jesus Himself is ‘extra-terrestrial’ in nature. Technically, Jesus came from out of this world literally, as an ‘Alien’.
In fact, Jesus came from beyond the Stars, that He made as Creator in Heaven. Jesus came with a ‘message’ of the Gospel or ‘Good News’ that salvation of Humanity is now paid for through the ‘human’ blood atonement of GOD the Son. This is amazing to consider because it means and requires that this ‘GOD’ becomes human to be able to ‘shed His blood’, etc. The Biblical narrative is not something new or unheard of. Most ancient civilization had and have this ‘Son of God’, Savior narrative and understanding. The error most have is that the critics of Christianity or the Biblical Jesus argue that it has been the ‘Christians’ that have stolen or are just part of the ‘Cosmic Christ’ storyline, etc. Such also argue a ‘time’ relevance in that ‘Moses and Jesus’ came ‘later than the ancient understanding of such knowledge of a coming ‘Messiah’ figure. Realize that all such prior narratives have only been the archetypes of what was, is and will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It is actually the other way around. The Christ-Savior complex and narrative was understood since the fall of Adam and Eve and the giving of the proto-Evangelium of Genesis 3:15 to Humanity by Jesus Himself as the Theophany before His incarnation as it was understood from that point forth.
In fact, such a notion of a GOD-Man Savior for Humanity is ‘eternal’ as mysteriously the New Testament teaches that in 1 Peter 1:20, ‘Jesus’ was known to be the ‘Lamb’ before Earth was created. And it is confirmed in Revelation 18 that Christ ‘died before the foundation of the world’. This universal ‘Truth’ of a coming Savior was thus known and understood as it permeated though the various cultures and civilizations. However, it was not until the arrival, at the appropriate and appointed time that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of such a decree. Thus, all such ancient narratives pointed to Jesus. In the Bible, there are confirming witness of GOD the Father upon the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. He ‘testifies’ that ‘this is the One’, Jesus. And then there is John the Baptist who at seeing Jesus come to be baptize, prophetically proclaims, ‘this is the One’. ‘This is The Lamb of YHVH’. None other before or after Jesus can be or will be legitimate despite the unchanging and deceptive alternative narratives that are being given by the ‘Light Beings’ said to come from Orion, the Pleiades, or Vega, etc.