Anonymous ID: f4c598 March 28, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5955503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Celestial Gospel

The Apostle Paul warned the Followers of Jesus that there would be Angels and/or other ‘Beings’ that would be propagating a ‘different Gospel’. This has been, is and will be the case. In fact, the Bible foretells of the ‘Lie that will be believed’. In part it will be the Great Deception in that an ‘Alien Savior’ narrative will be believed after the Rapture occurs. It has been the case in every case that all such Beings dispel the Biblical narrative of Jesus Christ being the only Savior of Humanity. Such Beings sound like ‘Muslims’ as that is the religion specifically invented to negate the Sonship of Jesus. Instead such ‘Beings’ instead ‘preach’ world peace, unity, harmony, universal brotherhood, etc. Such seem and are higher forms of ‘frequency’ and truth, but they intentionally deceive in that all such conditions can only be found and realized in Jesus Christ. Thus, this is the test to which the Bible in 1 John 4 sets the standard. If any of these ‘Spirit Beings of Light’ deny Jesus as the Son of GOD come in the flesh, then they are of the AntiChrist spirit, dominion and purpose. Consider that in essence, the true Gospel of Jesus and Jesus Himself is ‘extra-terrestrial’ in nature. Technically, Jesus came from out of this world literally, as an ‘Alien’.


In fact, Jesus came from beyond the Stars, that He made as Creator in Heaven. Jesus came with a ‘message’ of the Gospel or ‘Good News’ that salvation of Humanity is now paid for through the ‘human’ blood atonement of GOD the Son. This is amazing to consider because it means and requires that this ‘GOD’ becomes human to be able to ‘shed His blood’, etc. The Biblical narrative is not something new or unheard of. Most ancient civilization had and have this ‘Son of God’, Savior narrative and understanding. The error most have is that the critics of Christianity or the Biblical Jesus argue that it has been the ‘Christians’ that have stolen or are just part of the ‘Cosmic Christ’ storyline, etc. Such also argue a ‘time’ relevance in that ‘Moses and Jesus’ came ‘later than the ancient understanding of such knowledge of a coming ‘Messiah’ figure. Realize that all such prior narratives have only been the archetypes of what was, is and will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It is actually the other way around. The Christ-Savior complex and narrative was understood since the fall of Adam and Eve and the giving of the proto-Evangelium of Genesis 3:15 to Humanity by Jesus Himself as the Theophany before His incarnation as it was understood from that point forth.


In fact, such a notion of a GOD-Man Savior for Humanity is ‘eternal’ as mysteriously the New Testament teaches that in 1 Peter 1:20, ‘Jesus’ was known to be the ‘Lamb’ before Earth was created. And it is confirmed in Revelation 18 that Christ ‘died before the foundation of the world’. This universal ‘Truth’ of a coming Savior was thus known and understood as it permeated though the various cultures and civilizations. However, it was not until the arrival, at the appropriate and appointed time that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of such a decree. Thus, all such ancient narratives pointed to Jesus. In the Bible, there are confirming witness of GOD the Father upon the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. He ‘testifies’ that ‘this is the One’, Jesus. And then there is John the Baptist who at seeing Jesus come to be baptize, prophetically proclaims, ‘this is the One’. ‘This is The Lamb of YHVH’. None other before or after Jesus can be or will be legitimate despite the unchanging and deceptive alternative narratives that are being given by the ‘Light Beings’ said to come from Orion, the Pleiades, or Vega, etc.

Anonymous ID: f4c598 March 28, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.5955522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Estates of the Fallen

Consider that in the ancient lore of the origins of Humanity, it was and still is believed by many that such ‘Light Beings’ came from such places and ‘seeded’ the Human race. It is believed that ‘Heaven’ is a literal place although in a spiritual dimension or ‘frequency’ that such Beings exist. The Bible does corroborate this in that in certain glimpses of what Heaven is like, it does describe for example the New Jerusalem. It is depicted with 12 Portals or door ‘Star Gates’ and it has streets and structures. As spectacular as that seems, it would mean then that there are ‘Abodes’ or homes where such ‘Beings’ lived and live and conduct their affairs, etc. As humans have been in contact with such Beings, the replication of such patterns has been incorporated on Earth, as they are in Heaven. For example, Jerusalem on Earth has had 12 Gates or ‘Portals’ with streets and a Temple for the ‘Light Being’, etc. In other studies, one has made the case that Jerusalem is in fact conscripted in the Orion constellation pattern. Perhaps the area of Orion is just one of the main ‘entrances’ or Gates, ‘Star Gates’ that leads into Heaven itself as some researchers purport.


After all, the Silver Gate is there that Orion is ‘Guarding’ and said that it is the ‘Gate’ between the ‘Gods’ and the mortals of Earth, etc. Then there is the notion of the New Jerusalem that is to come down from Heaven at the end of Time and Space wherein the dimensions appear to overlay and fuse into one as YHVH makes His Throne and Abode on Earth. Amazing. The speculation then could be that such ‘Light Beings’ that came from such places as Orion and the Pleiades where the ones that ‘left their Abode’ and ‘abandoned their 1st Estate’. Perhaps such were ‘stationed’ there as the ‘Guardians’ and Sentinels as the ‘Watchers’ over Humanity. However, their intrigue and subsequent allegiance to Lucifer was too much to overcome as they too have Free Will. Such are perhaps the ones that the book of Enoch states left their Heavenly Abodes and descended to Mount Herman, etc. Was it from such places that the Fallen Angels came from when they joined Lucifer’s rebellion against the Creator, YHVH? As noted, consider that many believe that in some sort of fashion or condition, the way to such a Heavenly City and/or Throne in Heaven is though Orion. Many believe that the form of Orion, that of a ‘man’ is the standard of measure, ‘image’ and ‘likeness’ of what YHVH is and uses to measure all things. And this ‘standard’ or measurement stems from Him.


Although the Bible teaches that YHVH is ‘spirit’, He has a form and as Mankind has been created in the ‘likeness and image’ of YHVH, thus He has 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, 2 ears, a neck, a torso, 2 arms, 5 fingers in each hand, legs and feet, etc. Then there is the question of the reproductive organs. If YHVH is the Creator, thus He is also that of sex and reproduction. Such are questions that will only be answered once Jesus returns. Also consider this comparison and disposition. There are countless of people that subscribe to the alternative narrative of how such Light Beings, ‘Aliens’ have been the ones that ‘created’ Humanity and are and will be involved once again in the direct affairs of Humanity, especially in the Last Days. This is partly true. However, there is a whole gamut of ‘races’ that are said to exist from the ‘noble’ and benevolent Nordic Pleiadians, to the Vegans, then the Reptilians or Draco’s to the tall and short grey Alien types. One thing is for sure, ALL such entities and/or ‘Light Beings’ fail at this one litmus test, who is Jesus.

Anonymous ID: f4c598 March 28, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.5955530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5604

The Keys to the Kingdom

The Roman Catholic Church and its religious orders, both overt and secret are not truly ‘Christian’ although they masquerade as such. The Bible clearly teaches that in the Last Days, the last Pope will most likely be the False Prophet that will funnel all worship and admiration of Humanity towards the coming AntiChrist that will seek to sit on the Throne of YHVH on Earth by way of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. This is foretold will happen as Lucifer, by way of proxy through the AntiChrist will enter the Holy of Holies and sit there to demand absolute worship as ‘God’. As there is nothing to be sat upon except the Ark of the Covenant that was designed as the ‘Throne Chair’ of YHVH to have been place there. One can reasonably deduce that such an article will exist at that time. Consider that such studies and supposition that throughout the ancient and modern landscape of the Earth, there existed a spiritual understanding of dimensions, ley-lines, vortexes and points of energies. The Secret Orders know how to ‘tap’ into such powers as they have been taught by the so-called ‘Light Beings’ that say they come from such places as Cydonia, Mars, the Pleiades and Orion for example.


Such know how to transmit and crossover inter-dimensionally as they are spirit and have abilities to do so. Such physical configurations said before as nexus points where the spiritual and the physical realms can and do merge. This takes a special knowledge and means by which humans know how to ‘operate’ such ‘Keys’. Consider that the very coat of arms of the Vatican has 2 keys, a golden one and a silver one. The ‘official’ explanation is deemed a Biblical one in that the Roman Catholics interpret the ‘Keys’ given to the Apostle Peter by Jesus as the authority to loosen and bind on Earth. The Orion motif would depict such a rendering as the ‘Key’ that the Vatican is outlined with is to the ‘side’ of the Orion Belt. Yet, a far more accurate and truer rendition is that such a body, ecclesiastical one at that on Earth is really usurping such power and authority from Jesus Christ as they claim universal power and authority within the domain of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. How so? Consider that the ‘Keys’ are in essence the Golden Gate and the Sliver Gate of the Cosmos with Orion and Ophiuchus as there Sentinels. Thus, the giant motif of Orion upon the entire city of Rome reflects this supposition.


If one would be astonished or doubtful that such a spiritual grid of coordinates exists, consider that the present physical world has such a grid and system of coordinates in place. There presently does exist such a ‘grid’ that humans use now on a daily basis to find locations and how in fact such a Martian Motif ‘template’ has been found and ‘decoded’. This is the grid of the latitude and longitude that is measured by GPS and are ‘invisible’. Yet, every location on Earth has a specific ‘number’ and/or address. And thanks to modern instrumentation and technology, the whole Cosmos is likewise coordinated by such a measurement as well. Is it then hard to believe that the Angelic realm do not have such a similar notion of a ‘grid’? So too, thus are the ‘invisible’ coordinates in the Spiritual realm that such ‘Beings’ are aware of and know how to navigate within. It is postulated that most likely such information has only been revealed to certain ‘initiated’ humans of the ‘Priestly’ classes that replicate such precise celestial coordinates on Earth to ‘interface’ with such ‘Beings’ and dimensions, etc. The questions still remain, why Orion? Why the Pleiades? Why Cydonia, Mars?

Anonymous ID: f4c598 March 28, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.5955547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Celestial Star Gates

It has also been shown that in other depictions of this Orion area, it has been and is associated with a ‘door’ or ‘portal’, in essence a Star Gate of sorts. What is rather amazing is that it is associated also with a ‘Key’ as noted. Thus the ‘Keys’ that the Vatican usurps as ‘Master’ of such a domain can open such ‘Star Gates’ perhaps. In the Bible, there is a ‘Key-to-Dragon’ association in 2 cases. There is the instance with a ‘Key’ that is given to an Angel to have the Bottomless Pit open to let loose ‘Apollyon’ or Apollo of old. Such will then traverse through some sort of ‘portal’ to the Earth where they will be used as instruments of judgments against a rebellious and wicked human race during the Tribulation Period, etc. Then there is the ‘Key-to-Dragon’ association when Lucifer himself, depicted as the ‘Red Dragon’ is bound for 1000 years and a ‘Key’ is placed over such a Pit to be kept locked-up, etc. Thus, could this place on Earth correspond to the energies of a ley-line that is a nexus wherein a ‘Star Gate’ opens in correspondence to magical chants and spells? Is not the ‘hocus-pocus’ of the Roman Catholic ‘chants’ and sayings doing just that perhaps? Is not the ‘Basilica’ of the Vatican said to have subterranean chambers wherein secret Luciferian rituals are performs that have been leaked by those that witness such events?


In other studies of this Vatican-Star alignment have shown that the Star of Sirius directly corresponds to the Basilica which would corroborate that this ‘Throne’ is that of the ‘Queen of Heaven’ that is none other than that of Lucifer. How can this be? For example, the plaza in front of the Basilica building from a top view can be construed as a ‘pregnant’ woman as the Church is anthropomorphized as being a ‘woman’ and giving birth to the coming ‘Christ’. In this case, it is not Jesus but the AntiChrist that has been ‘gestating’ and awaiting his ‘birth’, prophetically speaking by Lucifer. Consider that the original Transvestite is Lucifer. He is the original ‘Cross-Dresser’ in that Lucifer became enamored with his beauty and in his pride, became warped as to his appearance. Lucifer has also sought to deface the Creation of Humanity with such a corruption. He seeks to have man and woman reverse their roles, genders and identity, etc. Is it any wonder why in these Last Days, such a spirit is now openly, and publicly embraced in the name of ‘liberal tolerism’? The days of Lot and Noah are upon this world as insane mothers in the USA gladly now take their innocent children to publicly funded library book readings given by such Drag Queens, one named ‘Annie Christ’ who dons Satanic symbols and performs lewd, sexually charged nightclub shows.


In a similar spirit, is it no coincidence that some of the Papal coat of arms have been that of a Red Dragon? In the case specifically of Gregory XIII, he is the one who ‘changed times’ in formulating the modern Western or ‘Gregorian Calendar’. It is he that attempted to crush the Reformation and those that believed in Jesus, the Biblical Jesus. The Bible is very clear in that the coming AntiChrist and those that have come before as archetypes have been given their power and authority by the ‘Red Dragon’. According to the Bible, Lucifer is ‘The Serpent of Old’, that is the Devil, which is the same as Lucifer despite those that believe that Satan and Lucifer are different ‘Beings’. Thus, based on this Cydonian, Mars and Orion overlay, it would appear that the authority and power behind the ‘Throne of the Queen’ that sits upon the Nations on Earth is given its power not by Jesus Christ but by the ‘Red Dragon’ himself, that being Lucifer.