Anonymous ID: fbb704 March 28, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.5956227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6244 >>6410 >>6630 >>6841 >>6925



Security Council Rejects Trump’s Proclamation

Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that the US has lost all international legitimacy and ended its role as a mediator in any peace process. Security Council announced their rejection of US President Donald Trump’s proclamation on the occupied Syrian Golan, asserting that the Golan is Syrian land occupied by Israel and this is what the UN resolutions affirmed.


Moscow: Resolution No.2254 affirms illegitimacy of occupying any part of Syria

“Resolution No.2254 frankly stipulates the necessity for respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and this indicates illegitimacy of occupying any part of its territories, starting from Golan and reaching to the utmost point in the East of the Euphrates,” Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson of Russian Foreign Ministry said at her weekly press conference.


Military Situation In Syria On March 28, 2019 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments:

Israeli warplanes carried out several airstrikes on targets inside the Shaykh Najjar industrial area northeast of the city of Aleppo. Israeli media claims that the strikes hit a weapon shipment intended to be delivered to Iranian-backed forces;

A series of clashes among members of Turkish-backed forces took place in the city of Afrin over the looted property;

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shot down a militant UAV in northern Hama;

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue its security operation in the Euphrates Valley;

The SDF released a statement claiming that “the time of Damascus threats” is over. The statement confirms the lack of the progress in the SDF-Damascus negotiations;

The SAA is conducting a security operation near the towns of Kobajjep and Huribishah;

Ceasefire violations were reported in northern Hama and southern Idlib.


Protests against Trump’s declaration on occupied Syrian Golan continue in Syrian provinces

The Syrian people on Thursday continued protesting US President Donald Trump’s declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan in several provinces including Damascus, Aleppo, Sweida and Hasaka.



Anonymous ID: fbb704 March 28, 2019, 7:38 p.m. No.5956244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6347 >>6410 >>6630 >>6841 >>6925


Israeli Warplanes Strike Several Targets Northeast Of Aleppo (Video)

“At 23:00 of Wednesday’s night, 27\3\2019, our air defense systems repelled an Israeli aerial aggression that targeted some positons in the Shaykh Najjar industrial area, northeast of Aleppo. Many hostile missiles were shot down. Loses were limited to materials,” an official statement by the SAA General Command reads.


ISIS Cells Abducted Ten Syrian Soldiers On Palmyra-Deir Ezzor Highway

This was not the first time Syrian service members were abducted by ISIS while moving between the two governorates. Earlier this month, three SAA personnel where captured by the terrorist group east of Palmyra.

ISIS cells are launching these hit and run attacks from their last positions in the Homs desert. Hundreds of terrorists are reportedly hiding there. Most of them are highly-experienced and well-armed.


Weapons, ammo including US-made missiles found in southern region

SANA reporter said that authorities on Thursday found weapons and ammunition including US-made TOW missiles left behind by terrorists in the southern region.


US to put Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights on the map

A State Department spokesperson told VOA that the map changes would be “consistent” with Trump’s declaration, slthough he did not indicate how long it would take to make this change. US Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, said the government would release them “as soon as they are ready.”


After Recognizing Golan Heights As Israel, U.S. Calls On Syrian Army To Withdraw From Separation Line

“The United States and this Council cannot accept Syria’s efforts to establish its presence in the area of separation as a new norm … Therefore, the United States calls on the Russian Federation to use its influence with the Assad regime to compel the Syrian forces to uphold their commitment to the disengagement of forces agreement and immediately withdraw from the area of separation,” U.S. diplomat Rodney Hunter told a U.N. Security Council meeting on the Golan Heights, according to Sputnik.


Israeli Air Force Used US-Made Guided Small Diameter Bombs In Recent Attack On Aleppo



Anonymous ID: fbb704 March 28, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.5956259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6284 >>6331

US calls airstrike on Yemeni hospital ‘awful’… then asks Saudis to investigate THEMSELVES


The “reports” about the deadly bombing of a Save the Children hospital in Yemen are “awful,” a State Department spokesperson said, urging the Saudi-led coalition to investigate the incident in a “transparent” fashion.


The attack on the hospital occurred earlier this week, leaving at least seven people, including children, dead and injuring eight more. Washington is aware of the “reports” on the matter, yet is still seeking to learn more about the incident.


“I saw those reports, they're awful. The United States takes them seriously and we're seeking more information,” the spokesman, Robert Palladino, told a media briefing on Thursday.


The official urged the Saudi-led coalition, which has waged war on Yemen for four years already, to investigate their own actions well and do it in a “transparent” manner.


“We understand that the Saudi-led coalition has referred the results of this targeting operation to the joint incidents assessment team for their review and their investigation,” Palladino said. “The United States urges a transparent investigation.”


It remained unclear, however, if the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo raised the issue of the hospital bombing with the Saudis personally, as Palladino was not able to confirm or deny it. Earlier on Thursday, Pompeo met Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman, talking about “the US-Saudi partnership,” “countering Iranian regime,” and other issues.

Anonymous ID: fbb704 March 28, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.5956492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuela bars Guaido from holding public office for 15 years


The ongoing crisis in Venezuela has taken a new twist, as Nicolas Maduro's government barred the US-backed parliament leader Juan Guaido from holding public office for 15 years over irregularities in financial records.


The move was announced by state comptroller Elvis Amoroso on Thursday. The 15-year-ban – the longest possible – comes as a result of an audit launched into Guaido's finances back in February.


The self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ has been accused of lying on his personal financial disclosures and receiving funds from irregular sources. Guaido had ultimately failed to explain the origins of funds he spent on travelling abroad since joining the National Assembly, according to Amoroso.


The US-backed opposition leader was not, however, intimidated by the lengthy ban, calling his supporters to stage more protests.


“We're going to continue in the streets,” Guaido said soon after Amoroso's speech was aired on state TV.


Guaido's response to the ban was to declare the Constituent National Assembly, which appointed Amoroso to serve as the comptroller general in October last year, is not real.


"There is no comptroller, there is no constituent [assembly], that mister was activated and pulled out of the dust to sow fear in the hotels that housed us," Guaido said.


With Guaido acting as though Venezuela's actual government is no longer in power, Washington has been hard at work boosting the credibility of his claim to the office. US President Donald Trump's wife Melania hosted Guaido's wife Fabiana Rosales in the White House on Wednesday, with establishment media referring to Rosales as the Venezuelan "first lady" and "first-lady-in-waiting".


The exchange comes ahead of mass rallies – both for and against the legitimate government of President Maduro – scheduled for Saturday. The country is now recovering from a second major blackout in less than a month, with the government and opposition trading accusations about what’s behind it.


While Caracas maintains that the blackouts were caused by cyber-attacks and saboteurs directed by the US, the opposition and its supporters cite them as a proof of the alleged incapacity of Maduro's government.