How the fuck do the two on top have anything to do with the bottom two? YouTube we see your shit.
Watch, rewatch, repeat. That's how to make memes. We're all austist around here aren't we? Kek
True. Where have we gone?
It's all just a giant game of gotcha
I know it's all going to hell and yet I still come back. I don't know why. Guess I have a really sick sense of humor.
To clarify I do believe in Q team and everything these brave folks are doing. I have been around to long to say that they are anything but upstanding, brave, patriotic fighters. I stand behind them 100% but I can also let them know the board have changed. Things are getting idk different around here.
I understand. I'm here to fight. Not kiss Qs giant balls. Fight or die I guess. CERN is on its way to fucking us all over and if they don't get us the vampires will. No matter where we turn one of these fucks will try and take us out. I study maps. Try and keep it all straight but water is getting muddy.
This goes against the Gods
Ok you hate (((0.02%))). What's next? Fight them in the world of ideas, show them light(Vampires hate Sun light), or send in the wolves?
Kek. What was this man's crime to get such a police response?
Fuck I have started this 2 times but can't commit the time till the weekendโฆ. Need a 20 minute version. Maybe a 3 part series.
Kek I'll agree to that.
Skyking general?
Fight or die
I honestly believe ever man can fall and will fall at some point. When will the Q team be no more? I don't know. I fight along side them knowing I can tell my grandchildren about this but also knowing they won't understand, and that's if I'm lucky. We are going up against an evil so vast so pervasive I fear it will be an eternal battle. Light vs dark. This isn't the first time we have fought brothers nor will it be our last. There is no way to stop the darknessโฆ I will fight non the less, I shall never put down my sword.