Anonymous ID: 1d7605 March 29, 2019, 3:42 a.m. No.5959483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485

Vaccines are the most diabolical plot against human life ever conceived in the mind of Satan. Take a healthy child, use the lie (Satan is the father of lies) that an injection of poison will "protect" the child from a normally harmless childhood infection (these are like "trial runs" for the immune system and build a life time of resistance to serious disorders) then combine many, many of these injections together so that a toddler getting four or five in multiple extremities is literally traumatized in the process (SRA "lite") and ALWAYS suffers some form of damage, then use these injections to deliberately spread "vaccine strain" pathogens (vaccinated people are like Typhoid Mary- they can still spread disease even if they don't show symptoms) so that "outbreaks" regularly occur and then use MSM to highlight calls for more toxic injections! I call vaccines "Satan's fangs". The vaccine issue has the potential to unite every man, woman, and child on this planet who is not simply a traitor to human life itself. As for pharmaceutical companies (they practice sorcery and use vaccines to purposefully generate "profitable" diseases such as Type 1 diabetes) I have a "word" for them: You will consume your own entrails.

Anonymous ID: 1d7605 March 29, 2019, 3:48 a.m. No.5959508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very good advice, I think. When I, a very conservative Christian, learned what is deliberately being done to people through vaccines I started to "cuss" more than I ever have in my life. Even invented some phrases.

Anonymous ID: 1d7605 March 29, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.5959541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9553 >>9587 >>0049


Years ago I heard of a US government effort to develop a "gay" bomb. The idea was to drop something on enemy troops that would immediately fill them with a desire to "f" each other. After the men realized their humiliation the thought was that they would demoralize their enemy. We have a lot of exposures in the US that cause endocrine disruption and could very easily alter normal gender and sexual orientation. We need to look at people who are homosexual, in many cases, as "poisoned". They should have the chance to know the truth if they want it. One transgender researcher discovered that his mother's exposure to DES (I think that was the hormone) while he was in the womb may have predisposed him to gender confusion. For a real horror show, check out the effects of PFOA. The New York Times did a very thorough expose in one of their magazines, but they minimized the role of 3M in the problem. PFOA/ related chemicals may be associated with smaller penis size in males who are exposed early in life, if I am remembering the research correctly.

Anonymous ID: 1d7605 March 29, 2019, 4:06 a.m. No.5959595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9983


I love Spain. Got to visit twice. Will you make "Boabdil" cry again? Not against any religion that is peace-loving, but I am against the invasion and subjugation of European countries.

Anonymous ID: 1d7605 March 29, 2019, 4:13 a.m. No.5959636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657 >>9659


I don't know about this, but I've been feeling (hoping!) for some kind of solar event to destroy the 5G and maybe take down the grid. Please don't misunderstand, I don't hate my country or wish harm on people. However, I'm really concerned that so many "Pandora's boxes" have been opened via the rush to implement new technologies, that the best hope for humanity's survival might be to "regress" to about 1850's tech. The Carrington effect occurred in 1859 and their "current" tech (play on words) FRIED. I picture the cell towers actually melting. I am not a sun-worshipper but a Son worshipper, yet I see the sun (the light to rule the day) like a powerful angel.