FISAGATE: It Was The Rothschilds.
We continue to decode the Maestro’s tweets posted on “Skull and Bones” day.
Img0 In my previous article, we stopped at the amazing observation that the Mueller probe lasted exactly 675 days,
which is also exactly the same number of days between the day Trump signed the $110 billion arms deal with Saudi
Arabia and the day he signed the Proclamation recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Peruvian coffee
for those who noticed 675 is the value for THEY FALSELY ACCUSE ME OF BEING A ZIONIST WHEN THEY ARE
THE ZIONISTS! Wow. This is pretty straightforward. Who is “THEY”? And why did the Maestro link the Mueller
investigation to his foreign policy in the Middle East? This is related to one of the most complex issues about Israel
and Trump’s general policy in the Middle East. Ready?
First, the State of Israel was created by the Rothschild family. Yes, the very Cabal we are fighting. In this video, the
4th lord Rothschild proudly explains how it all started with the Nov. 2nd 1917 Balfour Declaration. What Rothschild
will not tell you is the truth about how his family got that letter from the UK authorities. I will not have the space
to go through all the details here but everything you’ll read is open source information that you will be able to
easily confirm with a little research. From here, you will see that, as they had the military upper hand in WW1,
Germany and their allies publicly called for peace negotiations with their enemies in 1916, stating no specific
conditions or demands. Drained France and Great Britain were about to accept this proposal but finally refused.
Why? Because in the meantime they received the promise from Rothschild that the US would enter the war despite
President Woodrow Wilson’s campaign promise to stay out of it. You got it: the US entering the war is what the
UK obtained from the Rothschilds in exchange for the Balfour Declaration. After the usual required false flags
aiming at manipulating the American public opinion, compromised President Wilson fulfilled the Rothschild
“prophecy”, entered the war, defeated the Germans and, unlike the outcome Germans were offering in 1916, huge
war compensations were paid here and there to the Rothschild’s great joy…
After WW1, with the help of assets like Churchill, the Rothschilds actively lobbied the reluctant UK political
infrastructure to get the Balfour Declaration to be enforced in the most detrimental way possible for the local Arab
populations. It will only be after WW2, that the Rothschilds, thanks to their new Bretton Woods toolbox, will enjoy
the UN Partition Plan for Palestine on Nov 29 1947, which finally led to the Establishment of the State of Israel on
May 14, 1948.
For justification purposes and to efficiently populate their new playground, the Rothschild Cabal organized the
usual false flags and propaganda during and after WW2. Research this, it’s a fascinating subject. So fascinating that
it’s a crime to talk about it in some countries…
Q833 Reality is labeled as conspiracy. Q