and when have a "Large Number of Trumpsters Supporting 'QAnon'" been wrong before?
Case in point…
and when have a "Large Number of Trumpsters Supporting 'QAnon'" been wrong before?
Case in point…
The socialist fuglies are out en masse.
OR was that photo taken after the crash to explain that fucked up face.
Mental isn't it's only problem…
An anon (many breads past) spent a shit load of money (rich anon I hope) on a pen like POTUS has. And a coffee cup also. Did not save pic.
Possibly just him leaving a message to Q to get it on.
explaining this using Doug as a real life example for newbies and newsies who come here to try to blame us for unfounded hate.
May also add something like:
We deal in FACTS and if facts make you look bad, we don't give a fuck if you are Jewish, Gay, White, Blue , or an alien… Facts rule.
That occult shit is true apparently..
But if you want to know HOW it got there and what it scientifically is, look at the electric universe theory. And "Symbols of an Alien Sky" Video.