Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.5961865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1873 >>1884 >>1896 >>1905 >>1915 >>1922 >>1974 >>1983 >>1996 >>2084 >>2111 >>2153 >>2201 >>2224 >>2298 >>2341 >>2357 >>2359 >>2405 >>2438 >>2481 >>2485 >>2502 >>2521

Rahm Emanuel Blames ‘Toxic’ Trump for Jussie Smollett Hate Hoax


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel blamed President Donald Trump in a press conference Thursday for the alleged hate hoax carried out by Empire Jussie Smollett, claiming that the president created a “toxic” and “vicious” cycle for which the star thought he could get away with the purportedly staged attack on himself.


“Look, I’ve always said from day one this is a Trump-free zone, the city of Chicago, and I mean it,” Emanuel told reporters. “Let me be really clear about something: The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is for the environment, the toxic environment Donald Trump created.”


“This is a president who drew a moral equivalency between people who are trying to perpetuate bigotry and those who are trying to fight bigotry,” the mayor continued. “As somebody who started his own journey in politics fighting the neo-Nazis in Skokie and Marquette Park, President Trump should literally take his politics, move it aside.”

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.5961873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1987


The mayor then accused the president of creating a “toxic, vicious cycle” wherein Smollett believed he could pull off the alleged racist and homophobic assault against himself. “The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could get away with this hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment President Trump created,” Emanuel reaffirmed.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.5961884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Investigators believe Smollett, who is black and gay, hired two brothers to stage the January attack in downtown Chicago and that Smollett hoped the attention would help advance his career. Police also allege that before the attack, Smollett sent a letter threatening himself to the Chicago television studio where Empire is shot. Smollett has repeatedly said the two masked men shouted slurs, wrapped a rope around his neck and poured a substance on him. He also told detectives that the attackers yelled that he was in “MAGA country,” an apparent reference to President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan, police said.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.5961896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2013


Emanuel concluded his remarks by saying: “My recommendation to the president is good to opening day baseball, sit on the sideline, stay out of this. You created a toxic environment and all of us who are trying to make sure that we share a common set of values that embrace and welcome people of all walks of lives and backgrounds.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.5961905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hours earlier, President Trump tweeted that the FBI and the Department of Justice would review the “outrageous” case, calling it an “embarrassment” to the country.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:35 a.m. No.5962084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2459 >>2477


I will the new mayor of Chicago very soon.



"Rahm don't you have to ask your boss for permission, he sitting next to you "


Things you learn in college.

To be mayor no need to ask voters only the boss of the elite

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.5962298   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mayor Emanuel: Whitewash of justice in Smollett case

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:51 a.m. No.5962341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354 >>2355


Smollett Lawyer: Nigerian Brothers Could Have Attacked Jussie Wearing ‘Whiteface’


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: According to the court records he — Smollett — was very clear with police on the night of the attack that his attackers were white. He said they had masks on and gloves, but he saw their eyes, that he saw the skin surrounding their eyes was white. Was that a false statement?


TINA GLANDIAN: So, just to be clear: He only saw one of the attackers. One of them he didn’t see. He saw one through a ski mask. Again, he could not see their body. Everything was covered, and he had a full ski mask on except the area around the eyes. He did tell police that he — from what we saw, he thought it was pale skin or white or pale skin, was I think what he said. And that was what he — and that’s why he initially did have a hard time.


GUTHRIE: Why did he say that? He could have said, “I don’t know.”


GLANDIAN: He could have.


GUTHRIE: But with the Osundairo brothers, what are the chances that was the case that he saw somebody with white skin?


GLANDIAN: Well, you know, I mean, I think there’s — obviously, you can disguise that. You can put makeup on. There is, interestingly enough, a video. You know, I think police had minimal investigation in this case, it took me only five minutes to Google. You know, I was looking up the brothers, and one of the videos that showed up actually was of the brothers in whiteface doing a joker monologue with white makeup on him. So, it’s not — it’s not implausible.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.5962355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mayor Emanuel: Whitewash of justice in Smollett case



Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.5962405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2431 >>2462



Kim Foxx Spoke at Fundraiser Hosted by George Soros Son this Month


Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office is under fire after dropping all charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett, recently attended at a fundraiser hosted by Alex Soros, the son of progressive billionaire George Soros, who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to a super PAC that supported her.


Foxx spoke at a fundraiser for the Justice and Public Safety PAC hosted at the New York apartment of Alex Soros on March 5th, roughly three weeks prior to Smollett being let off the hook for allegedly staging a racist and homophobic attack on himself, according to photos shared to social media.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.5962431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5962405 reported in 2016:


But Kim Foxx has also found two other sources of cash, in the form of twin $300,000 donations to a Super PAC supporting her called Illinois Safety & Justice. The sole donors to the PAC are neoliberal superdonor and conservative-boogeyman George Soros and a “dark-money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund. A Super PAC is a fundraising group, created by the 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United decision, that can raise as much money as they want for any candidate or cause—as long as they don’t coordinate on any level with political campaigns, which have much smaller campaign limits.


Since the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2014, George Soros has backed progressive candidates in local prosecutorial races across the U.S. to the tune of millions of dollars.

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 8:59 a.m. No.5962459   🗄️.is 🔗kun


College students said Jusy is comped too


Voter d not decide but its appointment like the EU not elected to the mayors office


Why is antifa around everywhere

Anonymous ID: 25b44f March 29, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.5962485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


college student say PBS Judy is comped too


gets a promotion for supporting the secret TPP


does not defend the voters of chicago ?


What does the colleges teach ?