He needs to, badly!
It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.
The outrageously unscientific CDC Nazi guidelines are causing doctors to leave their practices all over the US, for fear of DEA Gestapo's malicious prosecution if they exceed an arbitrary and unscientific “one size fits all” policy while trying to treat their patients effectively and as individuals.
Patients are being deserted by their doctors
They all knew that it was never a Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis, it was always an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the US.
78% of the Oxycontin overdoses were NOT Doctor Prescribed… but purchased on the black market illegally, etc. They have known this since 2009.
And how many chronic pain patients that have undiagnosed cancer or other fatal illnesses that could be treated….are too afraid of mentioning other painful symptoms, because they may be dropped by their Physicians or have already been dropped and have no Doctor to go to?
Your ignorance has dire consequences!
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
They all knew that it was never a Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis, it was always an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the US.
78% of the Oxycontin overdoses were NOT Doctor Prescribed… but purchased on the black market illegally, etc. They have known this since 2009.