anyone who is real clue me in on some important posts?
What is being researched?
what should we be reading in this bread?
or the last one.
I've looked at notables and nothing
pops out as being important.
I mean President Trump is vindicated.
trolls in the media, pretending to be MAGA are trashing the board.
Shifff is a dillhole.
Brennon is unstable.
Comey is on a regrets tour doing selfies.
POTUS gave a great speech last night.
So with all of that, what would be good to persue
for research today?
or who has posted something that
really is notable, and not jsut a rehash?
for general use without transparency the
jpg is a very good format because it
compresses significantly the
data and used far less harddrive space.
I think youve done a good analysis and
these practices seem
industry standard.
It would be could if we could
develop the
'meme package' which
would do something more
than just store an image, but
allow for the over lay so that
if parts are deemed 'protected' they can be
easily swapped for a fair use version, or
something very similar.
HTML5 and CSS are great for that.
There is so very much that one
can do with HTML5 and CSS that
we might devise a way to
get around the 'meme ban'
by declaring the image as a 'cache' of a
more complex object.
then the blocking could only be 'parts' that are not in the 'public domain'
so they might be able to block
a picture that Getty-Images monopoly claims.
but all the overlay would still get through.
just something to think about.