Anonymous ID: 481dbd March 29, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.5968544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Continue digging on John Kerry


>>5964896 pb


Kerry was worried in Davos that Trump might destroy the New World Order.



Kerry’s warning came in a Democratic Party fundraising email released in his name on Wednesday. Kerry, also a former Democratic senator from Massachusetts, lamented Trump’s destruction of “the world order we built” during President Barack Obama’s administration.


Kerry's notorious 2015 nuclear deal featured the transfer of billions of dollars (1.7 billion of it on pallets stacked with cash) to the world's leading exporter of Islamic terrorism. Iran's fanatical mullahs were essentially put on a pathway to acquire nuclear weapons at the end of 10 years. What was even crazier about the deal is that compliance and inspections were to be handled by Iran itself.


As President Trump cancelled the deal and slammed Iran with further sanctions, Kerry has once again gone back to his arrogant old tricks – meeting with the enemy in direct opposition to official American policy. He refuses to deny that told the Iranians to hang on until Trump leaves office, once again giving aid and comfort to a leading American enemy


The cited article includes various examples of accusations that have been cited against Kerry that at the very least question his loyalty to the US. Going back to his Vietnam days, Kerry was part of a “group that signed “People's Peace Treaty" that was reportedly drafted in Communist East Germany in December 1970. The nine points were all taken from a list of Viet Cong conditions for ending the war. Kerry backed the treaty.”


An angry group of Vietnam veterans known as the Swift Boat Vets, some of whom served with him and knew him well, blew the whistle and actively campaigned against him. Summarized in the book "Unfit for Command," (Regnery Publishing, Library of Congress number ISBN-0-89526-017-4), Kerry essentially faked his three Purple Hearts and his Silver Star, which he received for shooting an unarmed Vietnamese villager in the back. (Page 85) The awards enabled him to leave Vietnam service after four months. Ironically, it was Kerry himself who admitted he was an unindicted war criminal. (page 155).


Kerry never released his service records and for good reason. He left the Navy with a less than honorable discharge.


Meanwhile, his anti-American bias never ceased.


In April 1985, a few months after taking his Senate seat, Kerry traveled to Nicaragua and cozied up to President Daniel Ortega, whose leftist Sandinista government had strong ties to Cuba and the Soviet Union and were rightfully accused of human rights abuses.


Earlier this year, the Jerusalem Post reported:


Former US secretary of state John Kerry met in London with a close associate of (Palestinian Authority) President Mahmoud Abbas, Hussein Agha, for a long and open conversation. … Kerry told him to tell Abbas … Trump will not remain in office for a long time. It was reported that Kerry said that within a year there was a good chance that Trump would not be in the White House.