Islam as a political movement . . .
The Obama Administration Strategy
...but maybe you can use it to eliminate Cruz. Can you find a picture of Cruz smiling to see if his teeth are straight? The cut of his jaw line?
Another Husband-Wife Team Linked to Fusion GPS Found in Russia Collusion Probe
Shailagh Murray (WH) and Neil King, Jr (Fusion GPS)
Source: True Pundit Staff, 11 Mar 2018
CLINTON GOES NUCLEAR: Hillary Says 'WHITE WOMEN' Were Forced to Vote for Trump by Their Husbands
posted by Hannity Staff - 2 hours ago
>is that Osama Hussein on the left rightmost-person?
. . . if so, is that Michelle standing to the left of BO? And if so, why would they be greeting Tillerson? Planned? Or side trip?
Have the Obama's relinquished their American citizenship? Are they now/or in the process of becoming citizens of Kenya? Single or Dual citizenship?