Big huge infograph on Sessions appointment of a second Special Counsel to investigate all the matters listed in the July 27, 2017 House Judiciary Committee letter to Sessions and Rosenstein.
Side-by-side Q timeline.
What allegations did the House
Judiciary Committee want investigated?
Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing
FBI Director James Comey to mislead the
American people about Secretary Clinton
email investigation
Secretary Clinton mishandling classified
FBI and DoJ immunity grants to poten-
tial Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills,
Heather Samuelson, John Bentel, others
DoJ failure to empanel a grand jury re:
Secretary Clinton and associates mis-
handling classified information
State Department employees determin-
ing which of Secretary Clinton's emails
to make public
WikiLeaks disclosures re: Clinton Found-
ation's potentially unlawful international
Connection between Clinton Campaign /
Clinton Foundation with tforeign entities
including Russia and Ukraine
Comey's knowledge of the purchase of
Uranium One by Rosatom; whether the
sale was connected to any donations
made to the Clinton Foundation; what
role Secretary Clinton played in a sale
that had national security implications
Unlawful access to DNC computers; collu-
sion between DNC and Clinton campaign
to undermine Bernie Sanders' campaign
Unlawful monitoring of candidate
Trump, Comey/Lynch knowledge of
federal agency unlawful monitoring
Selected leaks of classified info re:
unmasking of U.S. person IDs; whether
Obama admin (Comey, Lynch, Rice,
Power, others) had knowledge of
unmasking of individuals in candidate
Trump's campaign and transition teams
Comey's admitted leaks to law professor
Daniel Richman re: Comey's conversa-
tions with president Trump, whether
they included classified info, whether
they were intended to cause appoint-
ment of a new special counsel
Comey's and FBI's reliance on Fusion
GPS investigation of Trump campaign;
its creation of fake "dossier" on Trump,
who commissioned and disseminated
the dossier before/after 2016 election;
whether FBI paid anyone in connection
with the dossier, and the intelligence
sources of Fusion GPS or anyone
working for/with them
Comey leaks to author Michael Schmidt
dating back to 1993