Outstanding Beautiful Meme, misspelled Opioid
More recent photo of the scientist showing his half ageless face, reworked and cleaned up a bit.
Dunno who the baker was, this ones been out for a bit
Meme request/idea, Auction, selling off america, it's people and goods to the highest bidders
They're attempting to suppress the count heavily, guess they chose this one to fight, probably because it would literally nullify their control matrix over the minds of the us population , I've signed, so my wife and all friends, pushed it out to all my twatter followers, many forwarded, rough reach of that push was about 1 mil, first level of suppression was ddos…that died down…next email confirmation sent to spam for most Americans, I'm sure this is a honeypot, same as Alabama election. How many thousands of attempts on suppression have already been nullified server-side…great way to clean up those that wish to protect globalism. :) Trust the plan