English Gematria
"on the move" = 702 = "white rabbit"
Also, 702 FISA related reports.
English Gematria
"on the move" = 702 = "white rabbit"
Also, 702 FISA related reports.
Q's taking food off of his table, and he's a stout man.
Why are Anons falling for the Gorka Division Move?
Oh, wait, we're not.
Carry on.
That reminds me.
[AS] said in his rant as "chairman" that the Mueller report claimed POTUS stood to make "hundreds of millions of dollars" on a Moscow hotel deal.
How do he know?
Ugh. Schiff raising homeless black kids for Ed Buck to murder later on.
It's people!!! Soylent Green is people!!
POTUS stopped them from raising rates, so arguably POTUS stopped them from making it more of an inverted yield curve.
Pull [AS] Security Clearance, since the House Intel committee won't kick him out the door.
Maybe you think it's okay for the House Intel Committee chairman to be a traitor.
I don't think it's okay.