I read some of this "Jimmy" stuff and it seemed pretty much like a very nasty demon. Humans that are "elect" (either know or are destined to know and love God) have an existence "outside" this reality. I think AI/Beast is limited to this reality. Demons also have eternal existence but they are headed for the "lake of fire". Sure humans are being altered, but the horror (for our enemies) is that their efforts to destroy us are not destroying us, they are "making" us. Consider Jesus and His death on the cross. Looked pretty bad, didn't it? However, Jesus not only rose from the dead, He seemed to have been transformed somehow, too, didn't He? We who love God are here for a reason. I think we learn about evil here and we become better companions for God.
Funny. I think God will make this backfire on the spies and "organ harvesters". One of the most dramatic events in the final judgement is when each of us must give account for what we've done while here in the flesh. People talk about karma but I think its "as you sow, so shall you reap". Normal people aren't voyeuristic control freaks, but the cabal is. When God forgives your sin your "permanent record" is wiped clean of sin. I imagine that if you spend your life gathering the details on every, man, woman, child and fetus on the planet and never repent, that YOUR record is retained. Imagine all your worst thoughts and deeds replayed before the eternal Judge of all the World. Sucks to be the Satanic cabal after all.
I don't know about an EMP, but I think a massive solar flare (CME?) is a possibility. When sunspots decline I believe the likelihood of a solar flare goes up.